64.Mama's Boy

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''Call Vermax to heel, Prince Jacaerys.''

"Serve." Jace called. "Heel." While Luke and Jace were in blues, Avalon's children were in blacks, red stitching, proud Targaryen's.

"Come on..." the dragon keeper encouraged while his brother and cousins laughed.

''Vermax!'' Jace called out ''Vermax!'' he called again louder this time. Vermax screeched. 'Vamos vamos.'

"Good work my prince."

''Zaldrizo aoho syt aeksio sagon ao bevilza, darilaros nuhys...'' he began speaking in high valyrian trying to soothe the dragon as a sheep was brought in.

'Holtz.' Jace declared.

''You must hold mastery over your dragon, my young Princes.''

''Hae Darilarot Aegot Vvsperzomy.''

''As Prince Aegon has with Sunfyre.'' The dragon keeper told him.

"Yeah, Sunfyre and I have bonded, perhaps you are not a real dragon!" Aegon remarked.

"keligon.' He spat at Aegon and he silenced.

"Stop." Aegon repeated. "You stop, I'm better than everyone here.' He grumbled.

''Zijosy aot tetiri ozlettosy, toli rybagon zirylo vindilza.''

''Once they're fully bound to you, they will refuse to take instruction from any other.'' Vermax screeched out moving against command to get to the sheep. "Like Mouse to the queen and Syrax to your princess mother."

'Can I say it?" Jace asked hopefully.

''Mm-hm.'' The dragon keeper agreed. The sheep baaed nervously as it was tied up. Jace stepped forward a giddy smile on his face.

''Dracarys, Vermax!'' Jace shouted and his dragon breathed flames onto the sheep happily before moving to its corpse and ripping it apart.


''Aemond, we have a surprise for you.''

''What is it?'' Aemond questioned as Aegon led him deeper into the dragon cave.

''Something very special.'' Aegon told him smugly.

''You're the only one of us without a dragon.'' Jace remarked.


''And we felt badly about it, so we found one for you.'' Aegon mused.

''A dragon? How?'' Aemond said happily as he waited for his dragon to immerge.

''The gods provide.'' Aegon told him smugly. Jace came walking up with a pig with wings tied to its back. Aemonds smile fell as it approached. The pig was grunting and snorting as Jace struggled to hold it.

''Behold...'' Aegon declared as they all shouted.

''The Pink Dread!'' The boys started laughing at Aemond's dismay.

''Be sure to mount her carefully. First flight's always rough.'' Aegon mused as the pig continued snorting. Discouraged he moved deeper into the tunnel only to see a real dragon, he roared a rumbling of fire exploded from his lungs and Aemond faltered back nervously before running out feeling more discouraged than ever.


''This one has 60 rings... and two pairs of legs on each. That's 240.'' Alyssa remarked looking down at the creature crawling over her hands.

''Yes, it is." Avalon agreed

''It has eyes... though... I don't believe it can see.'' Alyssa told her softly completely captivated by the creature.

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