10. Gone

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Reputation // Daemon Targaryen Alternate Queen option to Fire and Blood is live!!!

They stood silently as the wind whipped around them and the waves crashed against the shores. Rhaenyra stared at her mother and brother. Dead. Waiting to be burned. She stared at her father, tears in his eyes as a sob left his lips he did this. He killed them both with his choices.

'They're waiting for you.' Daemon remarked holding tight to Avalons hand. Avalon stepped forward grabbing Rhaenyra's hand.

'D...' Rhaenyra began and Syrax gave a low growl from the top of the hill. Rhaenyra put an arm on her father easing him back as she spoke louder, her voice breaking as she spoke. She held tight to her aunt's hand as she said the word.

'Dracarys.' Syrax climbed down and in a blazing heat of dragon fire burned Baelon and Aemma. With heavy breaths they watched them burn.


'I'm so sorry.' Avalon said hugging Rhaenyra tight.

'I miss her.' Rhaenyra sobbed. 'no one was looking out for her. only the baby and now they are both gone!' Rhaenyra told her.

'I am sure your father and the maesters did all they could.'

'she said that the child bed is our battlefield.' Rhaenyra recalled.

'Most women are not warriors.' Avalon agreed. 'they get to love and lose or win as a price of that... my mother died giving birth to me.' Avalon told her. 'Alyssa... you know your father named his boy father our father Baelon...' Rhaenyra sunk into her aunt's side as Avalon ran circles around her back.

'What ever happened to Baelon?" Rhaenyra asked. 'father doesn't speak of the dead.'

'He died how every foolish man does.' Avalon told her with a small smile. 'a hunting accident.'

'He never speaks of them.'

'He does not know how to grieve.' Avalon told her. 'don't blame him for that.' Rhaenyra nodded. 'Him and Daemon basically had to raise me. father didn't know what he was doing with a girl... your father and uncle took care of me once father died as well. They could have shipped me off to marry some lord or prince somewhere but they didn't... I know that the world seems very uncertain right now. you might not know your place in the world but I assure you that you are loved and valued and what ever you might need, I am here.'

'Thank you auntie.'

'Riding always clears my head.' Avalon suggested. A smile appeared on Rhaenyra's face as she got up and headed to the dragon cave.


'Where's Rhaenyra?'

'Your Grace. This is the last thing any of us wish to discuss at this dark hour, but I consider the matter urgent.' Otto said as he approached him.

'What matter?'

'That of your succession.' Otto told him as though it was obvious. 'These recent tragedies have left you without an obvious heir.' Viserys shook his head, he couldn't think of these things.

'The King has an heir, my Lord Hand.'

'Despite how difficult this time is, Your Grace, I feel it important the succession be firmly in place for the stability of the realm.'

'The succession is already set... by precedent and by law.' Strong told them. 'Shall we say his name?'

'Daemon Targaryen.'

'If Daemon were to remain the uncontested heir, it could destabilize the realm.'

'The realm? Or this council?' Viserys countered.

'No one here can know what Daemon would do were he king, but no one can doubt his ambition. Look at what he did with the gold cloaks. The City Watch is fiercely loyal to him. An army 2,000 strong. An army you gave him, Otto.'

'I named Daemon Master of Laws, but you said he was a tyrant. As Master of Coin, you said he was a spendthrift that would beggar the realm.' Otto told Viserys

'Putting Daemon in command of the City Watch was your solution!' Viserys shouted back.

'A half-measure, Your Grace. The truth is, Daemon should be far away from this court.' Otto told him with finality.

'Daemon is my brother. My blood. And he will have his place at my court.' Viserys told them.

'Let him keep his place at court, Your Grace, but if the gods should visit some further tragedy on you, either by design or by accident...' Mellos began.

"Design? What are you saying? My brother would murder me, take my crown?' Viserys questioned incredulously. 'Are you?! Please. Daemon has ambition, yes, but not for the throne.' Viserys told them confidently but Daemon stood outside the council door listening a soft chuckle escaped his lips. If his brother only knew.

'He lacks the patience for it.' Viserys told them

'The gods have yet to make a man who lacks the patience for absolute power, Your Grace.' Otto told him

'Under such circumstances, it would not be an aberration for the King to name a successor.' Mellos told him.

'Well, who else would have a claim?'

'The King's firstborn child.'

'Rhaenyra? A girl?' Lyonel Strong questioned 'No queen has ever sat the Iron Throne.'

'That is only by tradition and precedent, Lord Strong. If order and stability so concerns this council, then perhaps we shouldn't break 100 years of it by naming a girl heir.' Mellos offered.

'Daemon would be a second Maegor, or worse. He is impulsive and violent. It is the duty of this council to protect the King and the realm from him. I'm sorry, Your Grace, but that is the truth as I see it, and I know that others here agree.'

'I will not be made to choose between my brother and my daughter.' Viserys told them growing more agitated by the moment.

'You wouldn't have to, Your Grace.' Corlys told him 'There are others who would have a claim.'

'Such as your wife, Lord Corlys?' Viserys said with a chuckle. "The Queen Who Never Was?'

'Rhaenys was the only child of Jaehaerys' eldest son. She had a strong claim at the Great Council, and she already has a male heir.' Corlys reminded them.

'Just moments ago, you announced your support for Daemon!'

'If we cannot agree on an heir, then how can we expect...'

'My wife and son are dead! I will not sit here and suffer crows that come to feast on their corpses!' Viserys shouted at them but sighed in defeat. 'Send a raven to Oldtown.'

'Straight away.'

The Heir //  King Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now