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The lab assistants dragged me onto the elevator, kicking and screaming. My feet touched the ground for just a brief second. But it was enough to give me bounce and head butt one of the assistants in the mouth.

His head snapped back as he howled in pain, the other rolled back his fist, hitting me square in the face. Knocking me completely out.


I groaned, my hand throbbing, my head felt like a hot cloudy mess. Pain shooting in and out, ringing through my head. Carefully, I opened my eyes, scanning the dark room.

I laid in a very large, comfortable bed, covered with pillows and a thick white comforter. The smell of sagewood and a smokey scent, that was oddly comforting.

I pulled down the comforter, swing my legs off the bed. Looking down, someone had changed me into a navy blue cotton tank and matching spandex shorts.

I looked at the other end of the room, losing my breath. Captivated by the most beautiful view I had seen in a long time.

Downtown New York.

All the buildings lit up, illuminating the sky, it looked like Christmas to me. The entire right side of the room was made up of large playe windows, displaying the beautiful city below.

A small tear rolled down my face, I never thought I'd see the city again.

That the only thing I'd see where those cement, four walls.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

Turning around, Steve was propped up against the wall drinking water, his sweater unzipped showing off his God like body

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Turning around, Steve was propped up against the wall drinking water, his sweater unzipped showing off his God like body.

More like Lucifers body.

"It is."

I saw a mischievous twinkle behind his eyes, but it quickly disappeared. Steve walked over towards me, my heart began to pound fast, not knowing what he was going to do to me.

He placed the water bottle on the end table, slipping his cool hands around my waist, he turned me around so I was looking out the window.

"That's 2 very beautiful sights I get to enjoy."

Pressing a kiss on my shoulder blade, then my neck, my stomach began to churn in disgust.

"That," he pressed his finger up against the glass," Is Stark Towers. That building technically should be mine. I made Howard Stark, if it weren't for our work together with the super soldier serum being successful, Tony would be nothing today."

I rolled my eyes, all I could do was nod my head and agree with him.

I gasped when Steve grabbed my hand and swung me around so I was now facing him. His blue eyes piercing through my brown ones. Standing almost a foot over me, he smiled down at me.

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