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My head snapped back confused by what Stephen had just said.

"My name? My name is Ava?" I asked, my voice thick with emotion as I fought to hold back my tears.

Stephen saw how distraught I was by just learning my name, he closed the space between us as he hovered over towards us. He levitated down, reaching out his hand, he took mine and led me towards the living room area.

James and I sat down on a loveseat as Stephen took a seat across from us, crossing his legs and folding his hands.

"You two don't look very comfortable, let's change that." When he snapped his fingers, the atmosphere in the room changed. I looked down to see I was wearing clothes, like actual clothes. A Metallica teeshirt and tight jeans with a pair of converse.

I looked over at James who was now wearing a black hoodie and jeans with his same boots.

"Tea?" Stephen asked, motioning with his hand, he levitated a tray over towards us with a tea pot, sugar cubes, and two tea cups. I shook my head no violently as I felt the last bit of patience I had slip away.

"Stop with the magic tricks, tell me how you know me!" I snapped at him. I can't remember the last time I yelled at anyone the way I did at Stephen. But he seemed more than understanding by my attitude towards him.

"Ava, what do you remember?"

I shook my head frustrated , pushing my fingers through my hair.

"I can't remember anything, up until now I didn't even know my own name!"

"How did you find this building?"

"I don't know, when I heard the street called out through the PA, something clicked like I had...."

"Been here before." Stephen finished for her.

"Just, please, tell me who I am."

Stephen glanced at James, who gave him a small nod. Stephen leaned in towards me, taking a steady breath.

"Your name is Ava García

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"Your name is Ava García. You work for the Daily Bugle, 16 months ago you were leaked information about Steve Roger's. How he is corrupt, kills innocent people to hold up the facade of a hero. Your coworker begged you not to pursue this, but you did. When Steve found out you were looking into him, he took you, kicking and screaming from the hospital. If you were to show your face now after so much time, they'd think they were looking at a ghost. You've been missing for over a year."

I took a deep breath, trying to take everything in.

"That doesn't answer how I remember this street or how you know me. "

Stephen nodded his head, as he struggled with the answer.

" Because I'm the one who leaked it to you. "

I couldn't breathe, holding onto my chest I began to take heavy breaths. The room felt as if it were getting smaller and smaller, I was having a panic attack.

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