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After what seemed like hours of running through the sewer, I found an emergency ladder and with day light poking through it.

Gripping onto the wet bar, I pulled myself up, groaning in exhaustion. Taking each step one at a time, I finally hit the top. Placing my hand flatly against the heavy cast iron, but it did not budge.

Carefully placing both feet on one step, I used both hands and pushed the lid as hard as I could, screaming out in determination.

It budged. Pushing it higher, I was able to shove it to the side.

The sun came barring down on me while I pulled myself out of the manhole, I could only imagine how horrifying I looked.

I was at the end of a street that was lined up with boutiques and a coffee shop with tables set up outside.

Two blonde women were sitting outside enjoying their coffee, when their taunting gaze landed on me. They began to snicker and laugh, with one of them pulling out their phones and taking pictures of me.

Bingo, Bitch.

Walking up to them with all the confidence in the world, I stopped in from of the one with the phone.

"Give me your phone," I demanded, my gaze never faltering.

The woman smiled as she rolled her tongue over her perfect teeth. She stood up from her seat as she pointed her perfect manicured finger in my face.

"Look here you filthy bit..." Before she could finish her sentence, I grabbed the back of her neck, turning her around and slamming her face on the table.

Once, twice, she crumpled to the ground. Taking the phone from her hand, I turned to look at her friend, lifting my index finger to my lips.

I started to walk away quickly as her friend began to scream for help, I ran down a couple of blocks before I dipped into an alley.

Luckily, she left her phone unlocked when the cunt began to take photos.

What was wrong with people?

Opening up Safari, I googled Bruce Banner New York.

A university popped up with his information, including an address and phone number.

Clicking on the number, it began to dial out.

"Hello." It wad a feminine voice.

"I need to speak to Bruce Banner."

"He's in a meeting..."

"It's about Natasha Romanoff! Tell him to call this number back right away!"

I quickly ended the call as I slipped the phone into my back pocket.

I couldn't be on the phone that long, that prick Steve would trace it.

Pacing back and forth in the alley, the smell began to hit me. I smelled of sewage and dirt, I tore the sweater off and threw it in the trash bin.

A loud ringing made me jump, feeling the vibration come from my back pocket, I reached for the phone.

I quickly dragged my finger across the screen to answer it.


"Hello? Who is this? Where's Nat?"

"My name is Ava, Natasha told me to look for you if anything happened."

"What happened?"

"Pick me up at the end of 108th St and Prince Blvd."

"I don't understand..."

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