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Wrapped in the towel in the middle of Stephen's bathroom, I couldn't pull my gaze away from my reflection. 

My hair had grown longer, past my shoulders, fresh bruises on my upper arms from Steve holding me down.

I had lost weight, go figure. Trauma will do that to a person.

Drying off my wet hair, I walked into the bedroom where Stephen had another outfit laid out for me.

A pair of ripped jeans with a black, long sleeve shirt with a dipped neck, and surprisingly, a bra my size.

I had gone so long without wearing under garments, it was almost a relief.

There was a small tap at the door, I quickly finished getting dressed as I told them to come in.

James poked his head inside, a nervous smile on his lips.

"Sorry, I wanted to be sure you were out of the shower before I came in."

A small twinge of joy filled my heart, having some personal space back and James respecting the hell out of that.

"Yeah, I am, thank you. How had it been going Dr.Jekyl down there?"

James chuckled as he walked inside of the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I am just waiting got Mr.Hyde to come out any second now. He actually said he had to go get answers from someone else for this future debacle."

"What do you mean?"

"We need a second opinion on what would happen if Stephen tells us the future."

I rolled my eyes, grabbed the hairbrush, I started counting.

The corner of my eye caught James staring at me.

The corner of my eye caught James staring at me

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I turned around to face him, waiving my hands.


"Why are you counting?"

"Because that's all I would do back...."

"Back in your cell?" James finished for me, his eyes now looked sad.

I bit my bottom lip as I nodded my head.

"I'd spent most of the days counting... that's the only way I got through it."

James nodded his head, walking over towards me, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me in.

I rested my head against his chest, taking in his sweet aroma. I pressed my hands up against his back, trying to physically pull him closer.

"We got out," he said softly, his lips pressed against my forehead. He kissed my forehead, leaving a forever imprint I knew I could never be without again.

Pulling away to look up at him, he must have been thinking the same thing, because next thing I knew, his mouth swooped down and landed on mine.

My cheeks automatically flamed up, feeling his soft lips on mine, some primal urge came over me that I had never let out before.

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