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It felt like months had gone by, but it was merely days that dragged on. The irony of being trapped in another room yet again, only to be accompanied by a dull bulb.

My wrists were digging into the bandages, Bucky refused to take the off. He would only come in to feed me, bathe me, and check on the baby.

I refused to look down because all I could see was that horrific bump and how it would move with life.

Was I a terrible person because I didn't want this baby?

Who would?

After everything that had happened.

I lost my appetite, all the emotion physically drained from my body. On days I wouldn't eat, Bucky would force a feeding tube down my nose, the pain was excruciating. So I forcefully ate anything he brought in.

I heard the door creak open, but Bucky didn't have a tray with food, only a black bag. The kind that in home doctors carey for visits.

Holy shit.

I felt my mouth run dry, all the blood came rushing to my head as it began to pound. Buckys blue eyes landed on mine as he gave me a sinister smile.

"Don't fret Ava. I know you're repulsed at the idea of having Steve's baby. I cam finally see that. So I am going to help move the process along, I am going to cut that baby out. And once you've healed, you can have my baby."

I almost didn't make it, I turned my body as far as I could as I threw up. All the vile hitting the floor as the foul stench began to fill the room.

Bucky opened up the bag, pulling out large, shiny instruments with sharp ends, he laid them down on the bed.


Bucky scoffed as he began to sharpen one of the tools.

"I don't understand you Ava, you told me you don't want this baby. I am just trying to give you what you want."


Bucky closed the space between us in less than a second, his hand wrapped around my neck and a sharp knife pressed against my throat.

"You'd be so lucky to carry my child!"

"Why don't you just fucking kill me?!"

When I said those words, he pulled the knife away, but he still kept the same distance. His large frame hovering over my smaller one, I could feel the tension in the air shifting.

Bucky set the knife down next to me by my right hand. I held his gaze as his hand reached up and pushed my hair out of my face.

"I could never kill you... I've always wanted you. But you belonged to Steve. Everything I've ever had or touched, Steve had first. And I'm sick of it. But with you, it was different. And that night we made love, I knew. You were always meant to be mine."

I felt myself gag but forced myself to keep a straight face, not giving off any emotion.

My hand moved trying to grab the handle of the knife, but it was too far. What was I going to do?

Then it dawned on me.

It was my broken hand. It had healed but once a broken wrist, can always break easily the second time around.

"I don't want you." I said softly. Egging Bucky on, waiting for a reaction.

And right on cue.

His face scrunched up in pain, but he quickly masked it over with a sneer.

"You could learn to worship me, I could make you so happy."

I felt his cold lips press against my cheek, I turned my face away from him but that didn't stop him. He began kissing down the side of my face towards my neck.

With as much energy I could gather, I put pressure on my hand, breaking my wrist. After all the pain I had endured, I managed to hide my discomfort.

I slipped my hand out of the cuff as I grabbed the handle of the knife and dug it into Buckys neck.

Bucky screamed out in pain as he pulled away, holding the knife that was plunged deep in his neck, with blood seeping out.

My fight response kicked in as I struggled to undo the other shackle and the ones on my legs. Quickly, I jumped off the bed as I ran for the door.

On the other side was a dark, humid basement, I scanned the room like a man woman until I saw stairs leading up. I quickly dashed for the stairs when I heard a crash coming from the room where Bucky had me locked up in.


I took 3 steps at a time until I hit the top step, it was chained up and bolted with a lock. My fingers fumbled over them, silently praying to get out of this hell.

Once the latch opened, I pushed the door open and ran. I was inside of a Chinese restaurant store that had people lined up ordering food, they all looked at me like I was crazy. Some of them even pointed and screamed.

I quickly ran out of the restaurant onto the busy street, Bucky had dragged me all the way to China Town. I felt my whole body shutting down, I had no more energy.

Once I got far enough I ran inside of a convenience store, almost fainting, I caught myself on the ATM.

I took a deep breath as I looked down at the ratty gown I was wearing, there was blood coming down from my legs.

I looked up at the horrified faces in the store. I wrapped my hands around my stomach as I felt a sharp pain splice right through me.

Something wasn't right.

Nothing about any of this was right.

A woman and her teenage daughter came up to me, asking if I was all right.

Obviously not.

"Please, someone call 911...."

My body toppled over as I fell on the ground.

My readers sick of my shit and cliff hangers.

Hi Babies ♥️ thanks for putting up with me and being so patient ♥️  What do we think is going to happen? What do you want to happen? And where the fuck is Steve?! Stay tuned for the next episode 😁 Also as you know when I finish a story, I start a...

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Hi Babies ♥️ thanks for putting up with me and being so patient ♥️ What do we think is going to happen? What do you want to happen? And where the fuck is Steve?! Stay tuned for the next episode 😁 Also as you know when I finish a story, I start a new one right away. Do we want a second story to My Midgardian Toy or A spin off story from Surviving Bucky? Let me know and thanks again for being loyal readers ♥️♥️♥️

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