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Moving my head as I started to wake up, I wanted to rub my face but I couldn't move my arms. Slowly opening my eyes, a bright light hung above me, showing the brown straps holding my arms to my side.

"No...no,no,no!" I kicked my feet, trying to wiggle my way out, anything.

There's no way I was back here again, God could not be so cruel as to throw me back into the lions den.

"Relax, the stress isn't good for the baby."

My head snapped up as I watched Alexander Pierce walk out of the shadows. The older man had an amused grin on his face, his hand reaching out, hovering over my stomach. Panic began to set in.



Tears began to gather in my eyes as I watched Bucky step out into the light with a roll of duct tape in his hands. His eyes never leaving mine, he cut a long strip off with his teeth and placed it over my mouth. When he did that, he leaned down and kissed my lips, the duct tape separating ever touching them. I shook my head away but he grabbed my face with one hand, squeezing my cheeks together as tears rolled over them.

"Did you miss me, doll?"

"Now I am not sure how you deactivated Roger's, but Barnes here has always been the stronger one. We will continue to use you as a vessel to harbor the future generations of super heros."

I shook my head violently, pulling it away from Buckys strong grip. My gaze landed on Alexander, he began to pace around me.

"Now I know you maybe wondering why you. But darling, this is a great honor. We had been looking at other women, but when we found out that you were looking into Roger's, it was like a gift sent from heaven. Or atleast that's how he put it, I never had the pleasure sadly."

Alexander placed his hand on my knee, a little too close to the inside of my thigh. I pulled my leg back and kicked him as hard as I could away from me.

Alexander fell to the ground screaming in pain when I kicked him right in the groin. Bucky stomped over towards me, I squeezed my eyes closed waiting for the impact of his punch, but a glorious sound stopped him.

An alarm went off, lights flashing red in the room, making Bucky stop in his tracks. Pierce looked over at him with fear in his eyes.

"Go see what's going on!" Pierce yelled at Bucky. Buckys face hardend in anger as he ran out of the room. I could hear screams and shouting coming from outside the room.

And just like the coward he was, Pierce would hide out in here while everyone else did the dirty work for him.

Rubbing my face against my shoulder blade, it began to peel a corner of the duct tape, pushing it just a further back each time. Finally I had my mouth exposed.

"What are you waiting for Pierce! Go out there and fight! Are you such a fucking coward you can't fight?!"

Pierce walked over towards me and slapped me across the face. The impact of the blow shook my whole body, I groaned out in pain.

As the alarm got louder, Pierce removed the straps holding me down and pulled me off the table. He pulled a gun out from his back as he held it to my temple.

Slowly I looked up and saw what had him so spooked.

Steve walked in, all bloody, holding onto his shield

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Steve walked in, all bloody, holding onto his shield.

"If you take one more step, I will shoot her."

"Go ahead. I will still kill you anyways."

I felt Pierce squeeze my arm in fear, next thing I knew I was on the ground and Pierce lifted his gun to shoot Steve.

Everything moved in slow motion as I watched Steve pull his arm back as he let go of his shield and it went flying at Pierce. Cutting Pierce literally in half.

I watched in horror as Pierces top half slid right off.

I couldn't move.

None of this seemed real.

Steve ran over and picked me up, holding me close to his chest. He began to run out of the facility, through all the employees and mayham he had caused breaking in.

Oh shit.


"Steve, Bucky is going to find us."

"I'm sorry Ava, but Bucky got away. I am going to get you somewhere safe before I go looking for him."

I licked my lips as I nodded my head agreeing with him.

"Is this all over now that Pierce is..gone?"

Steve gave me a sad smile and shook his head.

"Hydra doesn't have one head. When you cut when head off, 2 more take its place. But don't worry about that, let me worry about it."

Steve halted when he saw gold sparks start to circle around us, the floor opened up and swallowed us up.

We landed in the middle of a cabin with Stephen and Wong waiting for us.

"Stephen?" Steve set me down slowly, once my feet touched the ground I ran up to Stephen and hugged him. I felt Stephen smile as he returned the hug.

"I'm glad you're okay Ava. I thought I had Bucky but he managed to get away. To ensure your safety, we are going to have you stay here. Absolutely no cell service, no wifi of any kind, but I made sure everything is full stocked and there's books and board games."

"So you want me to hide up here alone?"

"You won't be alone," Steve interjected," I am going to be staying with you."

"Um thats okay..."

"Stop, I know how Bucky thinks. If he does manage to make it to us, I will be your best chance of fighting him."

My head started to pound in pain from the blow earlier, all I could do was nod my head and agree with him.

"Stephen... I know you practice sorcery. So I want to ask you for a favor before time gets away from me," I said softly, picking at my nails nervously.

"Anything Ava."

"I want you to help terminate this pregnancy please."

My readers waiting patiently for another juicy chapter.

Hello Babies ♥️ sorry it took me awhile to write in a new chapter

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Hello Babies ♥️ sorry it took me awhile to write in a new chapter. I have been busy with work and spooky season. How we feeling about Steve now? Remember to comment and vote and stay tuned for the next chapter, it's gonna be a Spicy 🌶🌶🌶

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