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Steve grabbed the desk with his large hands and flipped it over, the computer and all the items went flying all over the room.

The lab assistants screamed in terror by Steve's outbreak, some running for cover and the rest huddled together.

As if that would help.

Steve looked at them, letting out a sadistic laugh while rubbing his chin. The stubble was starting to come back in again, God it irritated him.

He walked over to one of the men who were in 'charge' of watching after Sarah.

"So what you're telling me that in 16 hours, no one is able to tell me where she is or if she's even alive?"  When the lab assistant began to stutter, Steve grabbed him by his lab coat and dangled him off the floor.

"N..n...no sir! We are going through all the footage from the street cameras but we haven't found them! Yet!" He quickly added when he saw Steve's annoyed face. Steve dropped him and walked over to the head Chemist who made Sarah's meals.

"And how is it that she became conscious again? I thought that's what the Xperience was supposed to do! Make her completely submissive and unwilling to fight back!"  

The woman trembled in fear right in front of Steve as he yelled at her.

"I have reason to believe she stopped consuming the drug. When we moved her out of the cell to your room, we found traces of the cookie around the toilet seat. She was flushing it away the last few days."

Steve rolled his eyes, shaking his head, about to kill every single one of them for being incompetent.

Lacing his fingers together and placing his hands ontop of his head, he let out an exasperated sigh.

Lacing his fingers together and placing his hands ontop of his head, he let out an exasperated sigh

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"Who took her last urine exam?"

One of the assistants ran to their desk as they grabbed sheets that were scattered across the desk. Scooping them all up, he ran over and handed it to Steve with shaky hands.

Steve snatched the papers out of his hands, looking over the newest results.

Looking up from the paper, he held the nervous lab assistants glance as he waved the papers in his face.

"All of this is accurate?"

"Ye...yes sir. I ran the tests twice."

Steve couldn't help it, a smile broke out across his face. He cupped the lab assistants cheek, and smacked it softly, making the assitant jump in fear.

Steve turned on his heel and walked out of the lab.

"I want her found by the end of the day! Or else I will start killing useless people off!"

Everyone began to scurry, grabbing a computer and making themselves busy with the task at hand.

Still holding onto the papers, Steve walked over to the set of elevators and rode it all the way to his floor.

Once the doors dinged open, Steve stepped inside into his pent house.

Walking past the kitchen and the rec room they built him, he laid the papers on his bed.

Grabbing a bottle of a 50 year old scotch, he poured himself a very generous cup. Pulling up the leather armed chair he had in the corner of the room, he sank his whole body weight into it.

Taking a deep breath, he leaned his head back on the head rest, shifting uncomfortably with the massive erection he had hiding behind his jeans.

Finishing off the scotch, Steve unzipped his pants and fished his cock out of his pants and began to stroke it.

Closing his eyes, all he could think about was Sarah.

Her luscious, sandy colored body that drove him wild.

Her wide hips and slender waist.

Her rosy nipples attached to her perfect breasts.

And that mouth.

God that wonderful, beautiful mouth and the way it felt around his cock.

Steve let out a shaky breath as his hand began to move faster up and down his cock.

He still remembered the first time he made love to her.

How tight she was.

Her scared eyes and how she begged him to stop.

He had never had such a climax like he had with her.

He'd be damned if he let her go.

"Ugh!" Steve yelled out as his cock began to pulsate and semen came shooting out and covering his lap.

God he felt like....

He couldn't even remember what he felt like.

After so many fights and wars and knocks to the head, his memory had gone to shit.

Sighing in relief, Steve stood up and stripped out of his jeans and briefs. He then pulled his teeshirt over his head , throwing it to the ground.

He walked over to the glorious view of New York City, lit up making the city radiate.

There was a small tap at the door, Steve turned around to see a small, voluptuous Blonde woman walk in in nothing but a black corset and a black thong.

"Pierce thought you might need to .... unwind. Since your little toy escaped?" She had alot of sass behind that tone, more than what Steve would tolerate.

He rolled his eyes, he saw how she was taking in the view of his glorious naked body.

He stalked over towards her, excitement filling her eyes, but soon disappeared when Steve wrapped his hand around her neck.

She gasped as Steve pushed her back against the wall, not letting up on his grip.

"Don't. You. Dare. Disrespect. HER. She is more of a woman than you will ever be."

Steve flung her body across the room, he watched her squirm as she quickly got up and ran out of the room.

"And tell Alexander Pierce not to send any of his WHORES up here!" Steve yelled behind her.

Me kinda impressed by Steve

Hello Babies 😛 what did we think of this chapter? Questions? Tune in for the next episode of fucked up and demented

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Hello Babies 😛 what did we think of this chapter? Questions? Tune in for the next episode of fucked up and demented. But seriously? Who's waiting for a juicy kiss from Bucky 🥵
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