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My whole body ached.

I could feel the tension in my head from a powerful stress headache.

I opened my eyes as I saw my ankles tied to the corners of the bed and my hands tied to the sides.

The room I was in didn't have any windows, any furniture, only the bed I was in and the sad light hanging above me. Without it, I'd be sitting in a completely dark room.

I tried rolling out from under the covers, but to no avail.

The more I squirmed, the covers slid off the bed, leaving me exposed.

And showing off a baby bump.

I swallowed hard as I felt vile build up in the back of my throat.

It wasn't possible.

It's like I had tripled in size overnight.

The thin fabric of the gown showed the baby's hand dragging across my stomach.

I began to scream in horror.

It wasn't possible.

The click of a door opening caught my attention, I looked over with watery eyes, to see Bucky walking into the room. He held a tray that had a a large white bowl, and something that smelled steak.

He set the tray down alongside the bed as he took a seat next to me, his weight shifting me on the bed so I moved in closer to him.

"You shouldn't stress yourself out, it's not good for the baby."

"Fuck you!"

Bucky slowly looked over at me, a smile playing on his lips. His hand suddenly shot up and grabbed my chin, gently squeezing it.

"We already did that Ava, don't you remember?" His eyes landed on my mouth, making me uncomfortable," Or do you need me to remind you?"

"If you fucking touch me, I'll bite your fucking face off."

He laughed as he pushed my face away, leaning over the bed to grab a wash cloth and dipping it into the warm water inside of the white bowl.

"So tell me this. What makes Steve so much better than me?"

He squeezed the cloth, shaking off any excess water, then he began to wipe it across from forehead and under my neck.

"Steve is no longer activated."

"So that takes away from everything he did? Everything you had to go through?"

I squeezed my lips together, Buckys eyes shot up and looked at me.

"Why do you hate Steve so much?"

The question caught him off guard, he pulled his hand away as he threw the wash cloth in the bowl.

"I don't hate Steve. I have absolutely no feelings towards him."

"Could have fooled me. Here Steve is the face of the Avengers. They let him come and go as he wanted. While they had you locked up in a cell, pumping you with experimental drugs. Trying to make a second Steve. "

His first came crashing down on the bed, right next to my face.

"I'm not trying to be anything like Steve! I am stronger and faster! Ever since he woke up,  he's become weak," Bucky spat the last word out as he gripped my chin with his hand

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"I'm not trying to be anything like Steve! I am stronger and faster! Ever since he woke up, he's become weak," Bucky spat the last word out as he gripped my chin with his hand. He pressed down so hard, I felt as if he would leave a mark.

"Then why are you getting so mad?" I smiled at him forcefully.

What the hell was I doing poking the bear?

He couldn't hurt me.

Not with the baby.

"If you weren't pregnant, I'd.."

"You wouldn't do shit to me. I've learned from watching you. You're all talk and no back bone. That's why they put Steve in charge. That's why you'll always be in his shadow. "

Bucky shoved my face away, jumping up from the bed angrily. He grabbed the bowl with the water and threw it against the wall. Shattering it into a hundred pieces.

"You're lucky you're pregnant Ava!"

"Or what?! You fucking coward!"

Bucky muttered some words under his breath as he left the room, leaving me alone with my sad little light hanging over my head.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and silently praying to whoever was listening to me.

The odd sensation of a baby moving inside of me again took over,

Because this baby is a super, he was growing alot faster than a normal fetus.

I had no idea what I was going to do. Maybe with any little hope, Stephen could still help me. But each passing day that went by seemed a little bit more unlikely.

I couldn't have this baby.

It would literally kill me if I did.

But a darker, unsettling feeling came over me as I realized that once this baby is born, they'd taken him away.

Run experiments on him, brain wash him. Turn him into the next Bucky or Steve.

The never ending cycle would just keep on repeating it self until someone stopped it.

With Alexander Pierce gone, the only person left I had to worry about is Bucky.

My readers coming out for a short chapter.

Hello Babies thanks for dealing with me while I work through things

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Hello Babies thanks for dealing with me while I work through things. The next chapter is going to be pretty extreme. I'm already working on it. Please Remember to comment and vote ♥️

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