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Stephen had left with Wong to bring back some sort of book to help me terminate the pregnancy.

They had to be absolutely careful so they wouldn't make it impossible for me to have kids again.

Did I even want kids?

Did I want the white picket fence with a husband that works a 9 to 5 while I go back to the Daily Bugle?

Could I have a normal life again?

I don't think Stephen would be back tonight, it was already late. I looked out the window to see it was pitch black out, all we had for light was the lanterns set up in the room.

The kitchen and living room were in their own space and one bedroom with an adjoining bathroom. Steve had gone into the bedroom awhile ago but he had not come back out.

After the fight with Bucky, he really did a number on him. Left Steve bleeding and bruised.

Was I really worried about him?

I mentally shook my head as I poked my head in the bedroom, Steve was sitting on the bed, shirtless, holding a needle and thread.

He had a large cut behind his left shoulder, this idiot was really trying to sew it by himself without even disinfecting it.

"What are you doing?"

Steve looked up at me, smirking at me as he attempted to sew his wound.

"I'm baking a cake, what are you doing?"

I chuckled.

I actually chuckled.

Who knew he was funny AND sarcastic.

"I'm about to smack you across the head, don't tell me you're trying to sew your cut without cleaning it first."

"I did clean it but it started bleeding again."

"Why didn't you ask me for help?"

Steve's blue eyes looked up and bored into mine.

"I didn't know I could."

I did a sharp inhale, not realizing how powerful his words meant to me.

I walked over to the night stand, where there was a cloth in a water bowl and a bottle of alcohol. Grabbing the wet cloth, I rinsed it out into the bowl and poured some alcohol on it.

Walking around him, I kneeled on the bed as I wiped the blood off of his shoulder. I could hear him wince as the alcohol sank into his shoulder.

"Hand me the needle."

Steve stretched his hand back as he handed me the needle. I took a deep breath as I pressed the needle through his tough skin. I literally put all my strength into piercing his unbreakable skin. Once it was in, I began to close up the wound.

My left hand resting on his back, trying to keep myself steady. His skin was so warm and soft.

Once I finished sewing it up, I climbed off the bed and walked around to Steve. His forehead still had a little bit of blood trickling down his face. Holding the rag, I pressed it against his forehead.

Okay so maybe I held it there a little longer than I had intended to.

Steve's gaze never leaving mine.

These eyes weren't cold and emotionless like the other Steve.

These eyes were crystal blue clear, I could drown in them if I stared into them long enough.

Steve's hand came up and grabbed my hand.

Not saying anything at all, he leaned towards me and kissed me.

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