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After what seemed like hours of pure bliss fucking, Steve settled down next to me, gathering me into his arms. His large arms wrapping around my waist and holding me close, our naked, very sweaty bodies molding together very nicely.

I could feel his chest rising and falling with each breath he took, his hand pushing my hair out of my face .

If you would of told me 3 months ago I would by lying here cuddled up next to Steve Rogers, I would of called you a fucking liar.

He was no longer the same malicious killer he once was. I turned my face so I was looking up at him, he had a lazy smile playing on his face, his eyes half closed by how exhausted he was.

"If you're trying to go again, I need 5 minutes to catch my breath."

"Funny, but no. I just needed to see something."

"Oh yeah? Whats that?"


He gave me a small smile, pushing my hair away, he kissed my forehead. Something about that kiss was so intimate and sincere.

It made my heart want to leap out from my chest.

Steve tightened his grip around me and his head rested on top of mine.

"I would rather die than hurt you again Ava."

The words were so powerful spewing out of his mouth, I didn't know how to respond. I wasn't even sure if I could.

Steve probably understood from the silence that I wasn't sure how to respond to him. He gave me one last kiss on the forehead as he swung his legs over the bed and stood up gloriously naked.

"I'll be back, I'm just going to use the bathroom

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"I'll be back, I'm just going to use the bathroom. "

Quietly, he walked out of the bedroom and close the door behind him. Once he did, I threw my head back against the pillow, I couldn't believe how perfect this moment was. I wanted to hold on to it forever before anything came along the way to ruin it.

Turning my body so my face was pressed up against his pillow I took a quick inhale and could smell his masculinity all over the bed. It was strong and powerful and it aroused me so much.

As I laid back in my spot I took a deep breath and placed my hands on my stomach and once I did, I swear I could have screamed because I felt a small kick.

There was no way the baby kicked right now. He was way too small I wasn't even 3 months yet.

So how in the world was the baby already kicking in my stomach?


I yelled for him but there was no response, a dreadful feeling started to course through my body.

Reaching for my clothes that were scattered across the floor, I walked out of the bedroom down the hallway towards the bathroom. The light in the bathroom was off but the light in the living room was on.

Maybe Steve just needed a moment for himself, I followed the light out to Steve.

But once I got there, I had to cover of my mouth to hide the scream from slipping out. Steve was tied to the armchair, bleeding heavily from the face as Bucky stood over him holding a gun to his temple.

Slowly, Bucky looked up at me with the most mischievous evil smile I had ever seen. My whole body went cold as I lifted my hands up slowly and surrender.

"Please don't hurt him..."

"See, I remember a time where you told me you wish Steve was dead for all the horrifying things he did to you. I could do that now for you Ava. I could take him out of your life permanently and it can just be you, me, and the baby."

"I'm not having this baby!"

A cold dark look pierced through Bucky's eyes as he lifted the gun and pulled back the trigger, pressing it hard against Steve's face, making him moan in pain.

" Either you leave with me now with the baby or else I will have to kill Steve. It's a special bullet that Hydra has been working on to kill any super. No one will be untouchable."

I was breathing heavily as Steve eyes landed on me and he shook his head

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I was breathing heavily as Steve eyes landed on me and he shook his head. He would tell me to run to get far away from Bucky as possible. But I was terrified, thinking what Bucky might do to him once I ran.

I had no choice. I was going to go back to the hell hole and and have this baby against my will.

There was no way out of this where I could stay safe and also keep Steve safe.

I nodded my head slowly as I put my hands up for Bucky to see that I wasn't going to put up a fight.

The smile came back across his face as he walked towards me and grabbed my arm forcefully pulling me out of Stephen Strange's manor.

I could hear Steve screaming for help but no one was there but us. I turned around and gave Steve a small hopeful smile that he would find me in time, but we both knew that he wouldn't.

Just when my readers were getting a happy story.

Sorry Babies I haven't posted, I'm going through alot with my current relationship and it's taking a toll on my mental health

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Sorry Babies I haven't posted, I'm going through alot with my current relationship and it's taking a toll on my mental health. Please be patient with me and remember to comment and vote. Love you guys ♥️

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