Always You

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My breathing came out evenly as I lay asleep on Steve's massive chest. My ever annoying internal clock began to wake me, so I traced my fingers across his chest and played with his chest hair.

I felt him stir, looking up at him, his blue eyes were looking at me.

A small smile creeped on his face, his hand began to run up and down my naked back.

"Good morning," his deep voice rumbled, still sounded tired.

How could he not?

After hours of mindless fucking, to pure and utter bliss every time.

A warm feeling started to stir in the pit of my stomach, washing over me in small waves.

Oh my God.

I loved this man.

I let out a shaky breath, quickly wiping away a tear that snuck its way out of the corner of my eye.

Not quick enough.

Steve sat up in the bed as he looked at me with a worrisome eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?"

I shook my head.

"Nothing about this is ok."

"What do you mean?"

"I love you."

I couldn't look at him, my heart would break if he saw me any other way than the response I wanted.

I squealed when I felt his strong hands hook under my arms and pull me up so he was literally cradling me. He grabbed my chin with his fingers and turned me to face him.

"I never thought I would hear you say those words to me."

"I never thought I would be here with you right now, happier than ever. I have My job back, friends, but something was missing. It was you Steve."

His fingers wrapped around my long dark hair, pulling me in, as his soft lips kissed mine.

It wasn't just a kiss.

It was a promise.

My heart felt so heavy as I kissed him back, my tongue slipping into his mouth, tasting every bit of him.

He pressed one more kiss on my lips before pulling back and resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you Ava."

I could really feel the tears coming down now.

I grabbed Steve's face, pressing a long, sultry kiss on his lips.

Pulling away, I took a deep breath and shook my head.

Can't believe I was going to do this.

"If this is ever going to work, I need to do something first."


I stood outside of the little hut, the hot sun beating down on me.

Steve and I had taken a 9 hour flight to a small village outside of a Country called Wakanda.

My nerves were completely shot and my hands would not stop shaking when the plane landed.

Steve held my hand and brought it up to his lips, softly kissing it.

When we walked off the plane, there were two people waiting for us.

When we walked off the plane, there were two people waiting for us

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