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I could hear people around me talking , I didn't want to open my eyes quite yet.


No, no! Stop counting. He's not here!

Too scared to see if Steve would be there waiting for me. I clawed my way out of that hell hole, I'd be damned if I let him take me back.

But he was a super.

No matter how far I ran, who was with me, or what I would do, he will always find me.

I heard a door open and shut, peeking out of one eye, I saw Bucky sitting in a chair across from the bed.

A small smile peaked from the corner of his mouth.

"How are you holding up?" Bucky placed his large hands on his knees, leaning forward enough that I could smell the fresh cologne on him

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"How are you holding up?" Bucky placed his large hands on his knees, leaning forward enough that I could smell the fresh cologne on him.

Where the hell did he get cologne?

"I'm holding on by a thread."

Bucky gave a tight smile, he then leaned over a kissed my forehead gently. Biting my bottom lip, I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Thank you."

"For what," Bucky asked.

"For not asking me if I'm okay."

Bucky shook his head as he pushed his long hair back away from his face.

"None of us are okay. We're not expected to be okay."

I nodded my head, slowly sitting up in the bed, I noticed someone had taken off my sweater and shoes. I looked over at Bucky, and as if he were reading my mind, he have me a small smile and nod.

"I took off your shoes and sweater, I was just trying to make you comfortable. I'm sorry if I over stepped."

I choked back a huge lump in my throat as I fought the urge to cry.

"Bucky... could you lay with me a bit?"

His eyes went huge, but he quickly recovered as he nodded his head. Getting up from the chair, he slid next to me in the bed, stretching his arm out across the pillows. I nestled my head in the crook of his arm, snuggling up next to his body. His left arm wrapped around my body, pulling me into him. I didn't even notice when a small gasp escaped my lips, feeling his cold vibranium arm touching my warm skin.

"Did I hurt you?" Bucky asked, about to pull away, but I grabbed the inside of his jacket and kept him in place.

"No. I was just thrown off by how cold your arm is. But its almost comforting, I like it."

Before I could say anything else, Buckys lips swooped down and took mine, almost devouring mine.

I moaned in the back of my throat, wrapping my fingers in his hair and tugging it. For a brief second his lips left mine, but only to find the skin on my neck.

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