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Ember Falls

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Ember Falls. An idyllic seaside escape.

I can't begin to tell you how much I loathe that word—idyllic.

Also, ironically, a lie. Not the idyllic part—well, maybe that part too, depending on who you ask—but the part about being seaside. We're really not. Sure, we're close to the ocean, but side-by-side, we are not. Liars.

How I wound up back here, with no plans but to move back in with my parents, three days post college graduation... this is not what I had envisioned.

Austin and I had planned to finally get a place of our own after getting through college—mind you, this was after I spent literal years trying to convince this man to move in with me. I saw absolutely no logical reason not tobut, funny enough, he always seemed to have one excuse or another to avoid agreeing to any proposal I came up with for cohabitation. It was pathetic, really, especially looking back on all of it now. How did I not see it sooner?

After we were two years deep, I really felt like he and I were meant to be. We were great friends first, as they all say is the foundation for a great relationship. Now, after all that time spent together... I can safely say he had other feelings. We were never on the same page. For how long, I couldn't tell you. Why he did what he did, I couldn't really tell you; I couldn't begin to fathom why or how he could possibly do what he did for reasons other than sheer cowardice.

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