| 32: Twenty―Three |

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Spending the evening with Johnny on Monday felt like enough of a present, but my birthday still had yet to pass

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Spending the evening with Johnny on Monday felt like enough of a present, but my birthday still had yet to pass. Twenty-three. When I awoke in Johnny's arms Tuesday morning, he was already awake, nuzzling into my neck.

"Happy birthday, beautiful," he whispered, kissing my bare shoulder softly.

I had almost forgotten today was my birthday, and might have forgotten it completely if not for the barrage of messages from my close friends, beginning around midnight the evening prior.

Sage and Jess had all but ruined the surprise party they planned for me by outright telling me, with no shame, late yesterday evening. Very much like the two of them; unable to keep a secret.

Jess must have shared some of the gossip I spilled to her with Sage, as they were both sent into a fit of inconsolable giggles over the phone. You'll be there, right? Or will you be too busy getting run over by a truck or something? Mauled by a mountain lion, maybe?

Working the closing shift at the bar together, they were clearly enjoying themselves when the two of them had called me around one o'clock in the morning to confess their very secretive plans. I mean, I can't exactly say I wasn't enjoying myself at the time, either. I laughed out loud at the thought.

I informed them that, yes, I would indeed be in attendance at my own surprise party. Those two, I swear. The party was going to be at Sage's place, in her shared apartment downtown that evening. We all had to work at the bookstore the following morning, quite unfortunately, but that wasn't about to stop the girls from hosting what they claimed would be nothing short of a 'rager.' Lord, help me. Please let me survive the night.

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