| 15: Never |

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Lucy shut the door to my office behind her as she left, leaving me speechless in her wake

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Lucy shut the door to my office behind her as she left, leaving me speechless in her wake. Speechless is an understatement. After the first time, I would have been willing to bet—like, a lot of money—that would absolutely never happen again. She would surely come to her senses. I chalked it up to a lapse of judgment on both our parts afterward, trying to minimize the way I was feeling. And yet, here we are...

I don't think I moved for a solid five minutes, leaning back against my desk, still thinking about what we just did, completely immobilized. Shit. That was... something else. I mean... what? What even was that? My mind was racing.

If someone would have told me six months ago that I would be having such crazy feelings for Lucy—of all people—I would have called them fully, 100% insane.

If someone would have told me six weeks ago I would be having these feelings... well, that's a different story entirely. This summer really changed things for me. Everything changed when she walked through that door.

The more time I spent with her, the more I found myself longing to see her. I felt drawn to her, wanting to be near her, and I could tell many others felt the same—I watched so, so many men try their very best to get her attention while working at the store. It was almost comical. She either didn't notice, or simply perfected the art of looking like she was completely oblivious to their advances.

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