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I woke abruptly to footsteps lightly padding in the hallway above me

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I woke abruptly to footsteps lightly padding in the hallway above me. After slowly opening my eyes and making my way out into the main living space in my apartment, I noticed the front door was unlocked, and left slightly ajar. What the hell?

"Lucy?" I called out, to no response. Is she still here? Did she leave while I was asleep? Is she even safe? Shit! My thoughts were buzzing.

Today made me really feel for her. I felt terribly that she had to endure the bullshit Austin had put her through. Lucy had long been a friend of mine through family connection, but in the short time we spent together today catching up and reminiscing, I felt we had grown even closer. I had known her my entire life, after all, but we never spent too much time alone together before now.

When she didn't respond, and seeing as she was no longer in the guest room, I assumed she must have gone home. I paced my kitchen, beginning to pour myself a drink of whiskey.

Well, today didn't go quite as expected. God, I cannot believe what a fucking moron Austin is. I took a long drink, sitting down at my kitchen table. I took another shot of whiskey, and found my mind wandering. I would never do that to her... I thought. Wait, what? I took another drink, shaking off the intrusive thought.

I was still in a relatively dreamlike, and slightly drunken, state when I heard the thud of the apartment building's rooftop door hit something gently and bounce several times before coming to a stop, the noise ceasing. Is there someone up there? I followed the sound of footsteps above me in somewhat of a trance, still slightly buzzed from a long night of continued drinking.

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