| 11: Speechless |

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I'm fairly certain I had left the man speechless

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I'm fairly certain I had left the man speechless. Johnny still hadn't said anything as I very clumsily slid off his desk, fumbling for my clothes on the floor. My underwear was nowhere to be seen, and then I remember he had torn it to pieces. Oops. Fuck it, I guess I'll go without.

Johnny reached out after a moment and touched my back with his hand, gently, as I started to get dressed. "Lucy, I... I don't know what to say. That is... not exactly how I envisioned that happening." He looked a bit unnerved. "Are you... okay?"

So, you've thought about this before too, huh? "Yeah, I'm definitely okay." I couldn't help but smirk at his question. He had made me feel more than okay. I was still reeling.

"I wanted to talk to you before we... shit. I don't even know what I'm trying to say." He swallowed hard, steadying himself. "I have wanted to do that from the moment I saw you walk through my door earlier this summer. And if I'm really being honest with myself, when I came to visit you guys at school a few years ago... I swear, Lucy, I took one look at you and you didn't leave my head for a month. The thoughts running through my mind... I thought I was losing it for a while, there," he chuckled to himself.

"Then, I saw you again. This summer. And everything I felt years ago, everything I had pushed to the side and forced myself to forget... it all came back. But this time..." Johnny trailed lines up and down my back with his fingertips, "I feel it all so much more. So to answer your question... I have no idea what the fuck that was... except a long time coming, I guess."

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