| 29: Limits |

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I ran into Johnny's bedroom, knowing my pathetic attempt at escaping him was all but futile

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I ran into Johnny's bedroom, knowing my pathetic attempt at escaping him was all but futile. Wow, look at me, trying so hard to get away.

Seconds later, Johnny walked into the room, his eyes immediately locking onto mine. He looked... different, somehow—as if I had just woken him from a dream; perhaps a nightmare. His heated gaze remained, but it appeared much darker than before.

"Get on the bed, honey. Lay on your back, L. Slowly, baby. I don't want you to hurt yourself." Johnny's words were soft, but demanding.

His tone was chillingly controlled, given the searing way he was looking at me. That might have been the very first moment I actually felt scared in his presence—scared in a way I couldn't put into words. Well, one word comes to mind... aroused. Yep, there is definitely something wrong with me.

"Fuck," Johnny whispered to himself.

I glanced back over my shoulder at him while crawling onto his bed. His tone sounded far more concerned than I would have anticipated. "Is everything okay, Johnny?"

He shook his head as if he was trying to shake off some kind of intrusive thought, then nodded slowly. "Of course, baby. Now... do I have to ask again?"

I was an instant mess; once again reminded of the slickness pooling between my thighs as I sat perched on my knees on his bed. I had almost forgotten what he had asked me to do.

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