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Bright rays of sunlight streamed through the blinds in my bedroom, harshly awakening me

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Bright rays of sunlight streamed through the blinds in my bedroom, harshly awakening me. It's far too early for this.

I felt incredibly groggy as I stretched and rolled over in bed—groggy, that is, until I saw not just one, but two half-naked bodies sharing the space with my own. Oh, fuck. I bolted upright in bed immediately, taking a sharp breath inward. My brain was still lagging behind my body in waking up and fully processing my surroundings.

So... that actually happened.

I think my heart stopped for a moment as I took in the sight of both Lucy and Jess, wrapped up in my sheets next to me, in my bed. Yep. That wasn't a dream. I had to mentally remind myself to breathe as I stared at them both next to me, still asleep, breathing softly and beginning to stir.

Last night was... unexpected? Ridiculous? Absolutely fucking insane? Now, by the light of day, as enthused as we all were in the moment the evening prior, I had my concerns that Lucy might regret what we had done. And for all intents and purposes, Jess might feel the exact same way, as well. Shit.

Ethically and professionally speaking, I knew I was fucked. Lucy and Jess were both technically my employees. So... that's not great. I was already in hot enough water with Lucy, but now that Jess was involved, too... I would consider myself, in terms of Human Resources, to be a walking nightmare; a human-sized wrecking ball—but none of that mattered in the moment; I couldn't lie to myself. There was no stopping what we had started.

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