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I awoke to my phone buzzing incessantly at the crack of dawn

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I awoke to my phone buzzing incessantly at the crack of dawn.

Nine texts? Three missed calls? What the hell? And all of them from Johnny. Then, my memory flashed back to the text I sent him right before falling asleep the night before. Oops.

I noticed at that moment I had one voicemail in addition to all the texts and missed calls. Before I even bothered checking my other messages, my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to listen to my voicemail. It was, again, from Johnny. From the looks of it, he had left this message at 2:23 AM, roughly an hour after we last spoke and I fell asleep the night before.

"Lucy..." his voice was strained and rough, "you should know better than to send me something like that and then not reply to me when I try to reach you. You'll be getting a... talking-to at work today." I felt my insides clench unwillingly. Oh, shit.

I looked through my texts and missed calls next.

1:46 AMmissed call from Johnny
Johnny (1:47 AM): Call me back baby
Johnny (1:49 AM): Fuck
Johnny (1:53 AM): Can't stop thinking about u
1:56 AMmissed call from Johnny
Johnny (1:58 AM): You fell asleep on me
Johnny (2:13 AM): Wish I was with you
Johnny (2:20 AM): You're so fcking hot
Johnny (2:21 AM): Sry drinkng too much
Johnny (2:23 AM): Fuck wish I was with you
2:23 AMmissed call from Johnny
Johnny (2:25 AM): Goodnight. Sry. See u at work

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