| 27: Touch |

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I practically spit out my wine when Johnny made his bold claim, already starting to visibly sweat

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I practically spit out my wine when Johnny made his bold claim, already starting to visibly sweat. How is it possible that I'm literally gasping for breath, and he hasn't even touched me?

"Yeah, I think it's probably a good idea we did this in public, too," I choked out.

Johnny stifled a laugh, an amused expression flashing across his face. "You don't say."

I shot him an annoyed look. Like you're not feeling the exact same way. I realized then that he was still holding my hand, stroking it softly... and I prayed internally that he wouldn't stop. I think I stopped breathing temporarily. I cleared my throat after a tense moment, attempting desperately to regain my composure; the pressure building within me threatening to brim over at any second now. This is ridiculous. Pull yourself together!

"Okay. So. Boundaries," I tried my best to sound matter-of-fact and mature, sitting up straight in my chair, but I knew I must be coming off as anything but.

My breathy voice and quickening heartbeat were practically screaming—announcing proudly to Johnny, and anyone else who may be watching—I want this man to take me, now.

"Is that okay with you?" He looked me up and down, a soft smirk on his lips; an intense, dangerous look flickering in his eyes.

If that means we can get the check already, then yes, that's perfectly okay with me. "Let's talk," I said with a soft smile, not able to stop myself from biting my lip so hard I thought I tasted blood.

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