| 33: Rage |

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I walked through the front door of Sage's apartment with Johnny's fingers laced through mine

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I walked through the front door of Sage's apartment with Johnny's fingers laced through mine. He gave my ass a quick squeeze as we came into view of the awaiting public.

Even though I already knew of the gathering, making it essentially a non-surprise party, the crowd attempted to surprise me, nonetheless. A+ for effort. All of my close friends were there, along with a few others I did not recognize whatsoever. The girls didn't lie—the party was not small.

Jess was the first to make her way to me, wrapping me up in a bear hug. "You look so fucking hot," she breathed in my ear, giggling, smelling of cinnamon, bourbon, and vanilla.

"Thanks, babe... so do you, " I smiled at her, my eyes running up and down her body instinctively. Oops.

She greeted Johnny with a similar hug, pulling him in close to her; wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek. With anyone else, that might have bothered me, but with Jess, I felt unbothered to the fullest extent.

Hot and bothered, maybe... you know, she could probably make out with him directly in front of me and I would just stand there like an idiot, drooling. I laughed to myself at the thought.

Jess grinned at him, "You did this?!!" She motioned toward me, eyeing me up and down. "You did well, sir," she laughed in approval.

I thought I saw her bite her lip just a little. Okay, I am definitely imagining things.

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