| 13: Careful |

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I shut Johnny's office door behind me with a quiet thud, keeping my fingers crossed that no one would hear me as I departed

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I shut Johnny's office door behind me with a quiet thud, keeping my fingers crossed that no one would hear me as I departed. I was not so lucky.

Turning to head down the stairs, my eyes were instantly met with a look of shock exuding from Dylan's, still sitting quietly at his desk. There was no doubt about it, he was absolutely gawking at me. Oh, fuck.

I began to make my way down the short staircase into the office space, dreading looking up to meet Dylan's gaze. As I looked down, I realized my outfit was still completely disheveled. Shit. I smoothed over my clothes hastily, almost missing a step as I did, tripping and nearly falling my way down into the office. Smooth. Unnoticeable.

I made it halfway to the door before Dylan spoke.

"Hey, Lucy?"


"Yeah?" I hesitantly turned around.

"Uhh.. I don't really know how to say this, so I'm just going to say it."

"Hmm?" Shit.

"Be careful."

Hearing those words made me stop in my tracks. What? "I'm sorry?" I looked back at him, clearly puzzled.

He looked very uncomfortable, shifting in his seat as he spoke. "Just... please be careful. I have known Johnny for a long time, and..." Dylan glanced up at Johnny's closed office door before continuing on, sighing deeply, pausing for a moment. "This is weird. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. Forget about it."

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