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Austin was seemingly in shock

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Austin was seemingly in shock. He stood frozen in front of me, still and quiet as much as we all were after the abrupt, unanticipated incident that had just occurred. He finally began to move, slowly; taking one final look at me as he turned toward the door, his face dripping blood and already starting to bruise.

"Look at what he's doing to you, Lucy." His eyes darted up and down my body, scoffing wildly at the sight of the both of us. "I told you he was going to hurt you."

Oh, fuck you. That was enough. He needs to go. Now. I'm done.

"I asked him to," I replied coolly, my tone nothing short of icy.

I heard Hayleigh choke on her drink behind me.

"You... what?" Austin sputtered, his mouth agape.

"You fucking heard me. Go home, Austin. Stop embarrassing yourself. This is fucking ridiculous." I didn't care about hurting his feelings any longer when he had gone out of his way to hurt me so badly, for so long.

Serves him right. Why do you care so much about me now? Why not when we were together for, oh, I don't know, more than half a decade? Fucking prick. The sight of him disgusted me.

Dylan and Henry appeared on either side of Johnny and I at that moment, along with a few others, forming a sort of barricade around me—and around Johnny.

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