| 03: Alone |

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Don't get me wrong

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Don't get me wrong. I like John. But Austin's years-older brother had to be the very last person I expected to see. In Ember Falls, of all places? I had no idea he worked in town. Didn't he live out of state? When did he move home?

He appeared to be absolutely floored by the sight of me. Do I really look that bad? I glanced down at my own crumpled outfit, still slightly wet from a passing shower during my walk around town, my hair clinging to my petite frame, my teeth chattering quietly from the sudden chill I felt in the air. Okay, yeah. I do look that bad.

After what felt like ages, John spoke, his voice warm and welcoming... familiar. "Please don't call me John ever again. That's what we always called my dad. My friends call me Johnny. Now, what are you doing here?! I thought you and Austin would be long gone by now. Didn't you guys just graduate this week? I haven't seen you in what, three years? What brings you back to town?" He gazed at me intently, curiously, eyeing me up and down.

Okay, we clearly have some catching up to do. "Well, um..." my mouth went dry. "Austin and I, we... he..." don't do it. Don't you do it. Jesus, Lucy, don't. Tears were so close to rolling down my cheeks. I tried to fight them off, but it was no use. Tears fell from my eyes. "We broke up." It wasn't even so much that I felt sad, but rather, I felt angry. Betrayed, and angry.

"Wait, what?" Johnny's brow furrowed in concern. He reached out to touch my arm gently. "Lucy, are you okay?"

I shivered at his touch. His hands were rough from recent hard work, but still so soft. Comforting. Familiar. "Honestly, no, Johnny, I'm not." A quiet laugh escaped my lips.

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