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Mid-January was proving to be far more fun and exciting than the usual monotonous, dead-of-winter month it typically was in seasons past

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Mid-January was proving to be far more fun and exciting than the usual monotonous, dead-of-winter month it typically was in seasons past.

Cinder Creek Books had done relatively well over recent weeks in terms of sales, especially given that it was our very first holiday season open for business; things were off to a good start this year on the work side of things.

With Johnny, I couldn't think of a single complaint that came to mind when speaking to our relationship. It was all still so fresh, but felt so right, I couldn't quite put the feeling into words. I mean, I guess one complaint would be that his brother still exists, but that's not his fault.

A few days after our first experience with the knife he had bought for me, I was completely mesmerized; transfixed by how much I enjoyed what we had done. I was ready and waiting for more, practically begging Johnny for it... but he had other plans, much to my disapproval and dismay.

The following work week was long and monotonous, and it didn't help matters much that Johnny kept annoyingly busier than usual-almost as though he was toying with me, making me wait for what he knew I so desperately wanted. A slight graze here, an innocent, gentle touch there... he knows what he's doing. Fuck.

Saturday evening came, and it was nearly closing time at the bookstore. I took it upon myself to express to Johnny exactly how I was feeling, climbing the steps to his office and letting myself in.

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