| 38: Sweet |

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Late that evening, Lucy had already fallen asleep on the couch when my phone buzzed on the kitchen counter

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Late that evening, Lucy had already fallen asleep on the couch when my phone buzzed on the kitchen counter. I had no idea who might be trying to get in contact with me so late in the day, as it was nearly midnight. Maybe Dylan is calling out of work tomorrow?

I picked up my phone, and saw I had a missed call from several moments ago, and a new text from the same number—an unknown number. Before I had the chance to open the message, my phone rang again. I silenced it quickly, so as not to wake Lucy. I walked into the bedroom, quickly shutting the door behind me.

"Hello?" I hesitantly answered.

"Please don't hang up." 

A familiar voice was on the other end of the line.

"Austin, why the hell are you calling me? Did you really not get the message the other night?" I was already furious hearing his voice on the other end of the line. This guy doesn't just know when to fucking quit, does he?

"Johnny, I..." Austin's voice trailed off.

He sounded different. Not like his usual, cocky, arrogant self.

"Lucy won't talk to me," he stated bluntly, slurring his words slightly.

Yeah, he's clearly obliterated. "Oh, and I'm sure you have no idea why she would have no interest in speaking to you." What even is this?

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