| 43: Pretty |

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Johnny spread open my legs forcefully with his strong hands—hands painted with streaks of red, leaving trails of bright crimson with every touch as his body entangled with  mine

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Johnny spread open my legs forcefully with his strong hands—hands painted with streaks of red, leaving trails of bright crimson with every touch as his body entangled with mine. My own fair skin was now hardly as pale as it was when we began what felt like ages ago; now a faded, dull pink, my body was stained both with blood and the impact of Johnny's palm and mouth.

He kneaded the tips of his fingers into my thighs with a bruising grip. "One more, baby girl."

I bucked my hips to further meet his tongue as he fucked me with his mouth. "Fuck, Johnny..." my voice trailed off as I glanced down to see him thrusting his tongue inside me, the sight of him almost too much to witness.

"I don't know if I can, baby," I whimpered, completely out of breath. I haven't exactly been keeping count so far, but if I had to estimate, at least five... six? More? Am I dead? Fuck, I don't actually know anymore.

"I know you can, Lucy. For me. One more," he murmured into my drenched core, sliding two fingers into my aching cunt as deeply as my body would allow, curling his fingers slightly to hit the spot inside me that made me feel absolutely fucking feral.

"I can't..." I cried, tears rolling down my cheeks; my body shaking uncontrollably.

"What do you need, baby? Tell me. Tell me what you want. Let me give it to you, sweetheart." His voice softened, his breath hot over my slick folds, driving me nearly over the edge as he continued to work his fingers in and out of my soaked pussy.

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