| 39: Perfect |

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Thursday morning came, and it was time to return to reality

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Thursday morning came, and it was time to return to reality.

Having an extra day off yesterday was nice... really nice... but getting up this morning? Not so much, especially with Johnny so invitingly wrapped around my body when my eyes begrudgingly opened at what appeared to be the crack of dawn.

The warmth emanating from his frame made it nearly impossible to untangle myself from him and make way for the shower. I managed to free myself from Johnny's grip without waking him, although part of me wanted to do just that so I could ask him if he'd like to join me. No, let him sleep. He needs his rest, I laughed to myself. I made it through just about five minutes of a steamy shower when the curtain peeled back and Johnny stepped in to join me.

He leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on my lips, stroking my cheek gently. "Good morning, beautiful," he smiled warmly at me, his dark brown eyes flickering with specks of gold.

My heart fluttered in my chest. "Morning, babe," I smiled back at him. How does he always look so good in the morning?

He wrapped his arms around my waist, effectively closing the space between us. "How'd you sleep?" Johnny traced his fingers up and down my spine as the warm water trickled down our bodies.

"Oh, I slept very well, thanks," I smirked at him, thinking back to how I was woken up in bed after falling asleep on the couch late the evening prior.

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