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After Austin left, I was completely dumbfounded

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After Austin left, I was completely dumbfounded. Speechless would be a massive understatement. The nerve of that man to come barging in here, making accusations... hell, coming here at all was beyond a bold move.

I was incredibly relieved that Johnny came home when he did, but when Austin still wouldn't leave, and more specifically, when he just wouldn't leave me alone, I decided I was done being nice. I had been far too kind to Austin for far too many years already. I'll show you just how serious I can be. This isn't a joke.

I knew it was a mistake before I even went through with it, but kissing Johnny in front of his brother felt good. After all he had put me through, didn't he deserve to feel hurt, too? For a second, just a second, I truly didn't care about the repercussions. Consequences be damned. It didn't seem like Johnny minded all too much, either, kissing me right back with equal intensity.

After we broke apart, everything happened so fast.

Austin was gone as quickly as he had found his way into the apartment, but not without saying something that left me feeling uneasy. His words repeated over and over in my mind. I'll be here. You're not going to be with him. I'm not allowing that to happen.

As if he would ever have the right to make that decision for me. I shook my head in utter disbelief. My blood felt like it was on fire. Had I ever really known him, after all that time we spent together? Was he really my friend, or just using me all along? Did he ever even care for me at all?

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