| 23: Per mission |

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Despite what she was telling me, I still felt incredibly nervous that I would take things too far with Lucy and end up hurting her in unthinkable, unspeakable ways

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Despite what she was telling me, I still felt incredibly nervous that I would take things too far with Lucy and end up hurting her in unthinkable, unspeakable ways. The things I envisioned us doing together... the things I wanted to do to her... it actually scared me, the intensity of my feelings for her.

Even though she was insistent that she would be open-minded with me, I had my doubts. I hadn't divulged exactly what went wrong when Allison got hurt... and I don't think she was quite ready to hear that just yet.

Lucy lay in front of me on my bed, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear, excitement, and anticipation, and I couldn't hide just how aroused that combination oozing out of her every pore was making me feel. She smelled fucking intoxicating. It took everything within me not to fuck her until she broke beneath me, tears rolling down her cheeks as she screamed my name... but that had to wait, as hard as that was for me to endure. I wasn't typically a very patient man.

We needed to talk about what she granted permissible before I even attempted to do the unsavory things running rampant through my mind. I didn't want to force her into making any rushed decisions... and I couldn't stand the thought of losing her now that she was mine.

But that doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you. Quite the opposite, actually.

"Sit on the bed for me, love. On your knees. Face the headboard."

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