| 18: Obsession |

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The rest of my day with Johnny at his place was perfect

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The rest of my day with Johnny at his place was perfect. No complaints from me.

We chose to stay in and just enjoy each other's company, abandoning our plans to go out to dinner downtown. Johnny cooked for me, we watched a movie, stayed up late talking about our lives, our goals, our passions... things felt so natural with him.

It made sense, really, given that we had practically grown up together. But Johnny and I were so far apart in age, we rarely hung out, if at all, in the same social circle—with the exception of a brief, family-obligation-style holiday gathering or two now and then.

All the same, the more time I spent with him now, as each day passed this summer, the more I had started to care for him. I felt like I had known him forever, which made sense to me because, technically, I had.

Little coffee dates, walks around town, after-work drinks, friendly get-togethers... the more we saw of each other, the more I wanted to spend time with him. I didn't find myself growing tired of his company in the slightest.

We were nothing but friendly, but my mind did wander from time-to-time, and I found myself wondering—is he feeling the same way about me? I didn't allow myself to go down that rabbit hole, for so many reasons, until now.

I was starting to feel super comfortable at Johnny's place. It almost felt like home. After such a short time spent getting to know him on a more intimate level, and with our relationship still being so fresh, that surprised me. I didn't tend to trust people so easily—especially after Austin. Something about Johnny made me trust him. He had given me absolutely no reason not to put my trust in him.

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