Chapter Two

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Bucky's POV

The next day, We leave a little late for our run, so when we ordered our coffee, she was already on her break. I guess that's a good thing considering Wanda and Nat kept their promise and went to the coffee house a few hours later.

While they're gone I head down to the gym with Scott. He's been tagging along on my sessions the last few weeks, he's trying to keep in shape for his girlfriend and I admire that, but he cannot possibly keep up with me. I've got to give it to him though, he really does try. Last week he even passed out.

Once our session's up, I make my way back up to my room and shower. When I get out of the shower Nat and Wanda are sitting on my bed. "Ever heard of knocking?!" I shout, a little startled. Nat ignores my comment, "She's good", I give her a quizzical look, "We went in and ordered coffee and some cakes. She had no name tag on, her co-worker wouldn't tell us either so we decided to strike up a 'girly' conversation and try to get her name that way". Wanda takes over "We tried everything but she just wasn't giving it up, so I asked her if I could add her on social media or something- you know, to make plans for girly days because we all got on very well. She agreed and began writing on a napkin". Wanda hands me the napkin, it says 'Nice try, James :)' She's not stupid then, I guess that's good to know? I let out a small laugh "Thanks for trying". Before they leave my room Nat turns around "I think you've found a good one, she's smart. Don't fuck it up Barnes" Yeah, I'll try not to.

It's finally Friday and I'm beginning to get anxious. I do a 2 hour work out to try and ease my nerves, but it doesn't help. I head to the gym showers and look at my reflection in the mirror. I need a hair cut, and a shave. I quickly wash away the smell of sweat and book an appointment with my barber online. My appointment is in half an hour so I get dressed in a back shirt and grey sweats and leave.

I decided to walk today, although I'm very nervous i'm also excited so I practically skip in-to town. I've let my beard and hair grow out for the last few weeks so I think I'll just ask for a trim on both. I'm kind of liking the beard and my hair is very fluffy right now. I have to swat Sam's hand away every single time he's close enough to touch it.

As my hair's getting cut, I think about my date tonight. Nat and Wanda said they'll help me pick out something to wear which takes a lot of stress off my shoulders. I've decided to take her to this fancy restaurant, they do all sorts of different foods there, I just hope she likes it. I am dreading the talking part thought. This is our first official date, this is the time for us both to get to know each other and ask questions, I'm afraid I won't be able to answer a lot of hers and that she'll think I'm being rude. Hopefully she'll ask easy ones.

"Any plans this weekend, Mr Barnes?" Dean the barber asks, I've been coming here ever since I moved in-to the compound. "Please, call me James. And yes actually, I have a date" I smile. "How nice, tell me about her". I go on to telling him about her long brown hair and how she always smiles at me when she sees me walk in-to the coffee house, where she works. I also explain how Sam and Steve forced me into talking to her on her break. "Hold on, That small cafè on the corner?", I nod my head and Dean chuckles lightly, "So you're going on a date with Opal, huh". Opal. What a beautiful name, how fitting. "How do you know her, if you don't mind me asking?", "She's been coming here for the last two years" I just nod my head silently. Once Dean's finished, I pay him a little extra. On the way back, I pass a flower store. Do people still give flowers on dates? fuck it. I buy a bouquet of red roses and by the time I get back home, It's 5pm, I have two hours left to get ready. I shoot the girls a text to let them know I'm ready for their help.

"You're going to need something more fancy than that Buck" Natasha laughs. I let out a huff, "Come her" Wanda says, she takes my clothes and puts them back in my wardrobe. She pulls out a white shirt, black pants and a black suit jacket. "Try these on". Before I head into my bathroom to change, I hand Nat my phone and ask her to tell Opal the dress code, I haven't told her where we're going yet and it just occurred to me that she'll probably want to know what to wear. As I walk out Sam starts catcalling me. When the fuck did he get here? "You look great Barnes" Nat says, Wanda sits there clapping. I turn to look in the mirror, I do look kind of good. I add my black gloves, like always and grab everything I need."Find out her name yet?" Sam asks, "Actually I did. It's Opal".

I walk down to the common area to grab my keys, Everyone wishes me good luck. "Looking good robo-cop" Tony calls as he walks off the elevator. I mutter a thank you. "Hold on, you're not planning on picking your date up on that death trap are you?", I roll my eyes "Just because you can't figure out how to ride a motorbike doesn't mean its a death trap Stark". He pats me on the shoulder and hands me a key "Good luck". He gave me the key to his new black Audi. Holy shit.

I jump in the car and type in Opal's address on the SATNAV and drive off. She's only 15minutes away from the compound.

When I arrive it's 7:01pm. I take in a deep breath and knock her door. I hear shuffling around inside which starts to make me nervous but all that anxiety soon disappears when she walks out. She's wearing a glittery, champaign colour dress, that hugs her body perfectly, with white heels. Her hair is straight and reaches down to her hips and her purse is also white. "Hey" she smiles. "You look incredible", "You clean up nice too" she replies "uh...these are for you" I hand her the flowers, she looks surprised, "They're beautiful, James, Thank-you so much". She invites me in as she puts them in water. Her living area is quite large, there's a dining table and two cream, sofas that match the carpet. Her TV is mounted on the wall and there's a few photos scattered around. Before I get a chance to look at them she emerges from her kitchen, "Ready?" I ask, "Yes".

Once we get to the car, I open her door and close it behind her. I start up the engine and take off. As we're driving I decide to be the first to make conversation. "So, I heard you're quite good at hiding your name" I turn my head to look at her briefly and flash her my charming smile, she laughs "You could say that". "Well, I hate to break it to you, Opal, but you're not as good as you think". She looks as me with an expression crossed between amusement and shock, "How did you find out?". I shrug my shoulders, "I'm an Avenger, I know everything". She hums in agreement but doesn't seem to be buying it.

I park the car up and get out, Opal follows suit. I stop in my tracks and look at her disappointedly "I'm supposed to open your door, you know that, right?. She laughs "My apologies". I hold my arm out for her and she gladly takes it. We walk through the restaurant doors and are immediately met with a waiter "Mr Barnes, you're table is this way". He must know me from the news. I pull out Opal's seat and gesture for her to sit. She looks around "This place really is fancy". We flick through our menus and order. I get the steak and chips while she gets the chicken salad. I order a bottle of red wine for us both too. As we're waiting for our food, we make small talk. She asks me where I grew up, I tell her Brooklyn. We exchange questions about family members, I of course skip the part where they're all dead. Turns out, Opal grew up with just her dad in Queens. I don't pry on the fact that she didn't mention her mother, those aren't questions I feel comfortable asking this early and she probably feels the same way about answering them.

It takes no longer than 20minutes for our food to be brought out. We continue our conversation as we eat. "Do you go out much?" she asks me. "Not really. I've been on a few dates but I've never really stayed longer than 30 minutes, they're only ever interested in the Avenger aspect of me". She looks at me sympathetically, 'What about you?" I ask. "Well, if I'm being honest it's been a while since i've been on a date", "How long is 'a while'?". She takes a sip of wine before answering. "Like 6 years" she chuckles nervously. I stare at her in shock, "Sorry, that's just hard to believe". She gives me a confused look "It's just that you're like the prettiest women i've ever seen", I can feel my face heating up, I can't believe I just said that out loud. "You're charming, you know that?". I smile at the memory of me from the 40's. I was known for being charming back then too.

We finish our food and some how manage to empty the bottle of wine. The waiter comes over and places the bill on the table. I see Opal reach out but I quickly snatch it, "No way" I laugh. She gives me a playful pout that I find absolutely adorable and insists that I let her at-least pay half. I ignore her as I hand the waiter my credit card.

The drive back is full of laughter, she really is funny- especially when she's tipsy. "I'll remember next time to keep track of how much wine you've had", she narrows her eyes at me "I can handle wine", "Yeah I can see that". I'm smiling widely the whole time.

We arrive at her house, it's 10:30. I lock the car as soon as I get out to ensure she stays inside until I open her door. She pulls her little pout again, I take a hold of her hand and help her up. I walk her to her door and start to feel nervous again. Do I kiss her? Is it too soon? She turns to face me and places a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Thank-you for tonight. I had an amazing time". "Me too" I smile "I'd love to take you out again, maybe this weekend? If you're free? and uh...if you want to, of course". "I would love to" she smiles.

"Goodnight, James". I bring her hand up to my mouth and kiss it. "Goodnight Opal".

Love over Blood - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now