Chapter Sixteen

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Bucky's POV

Today is Halloween. I'm heading over to Opal's to bake with her and Hunter and of course dress up and take him trick or treating. We spent our first night apart last night and I did not enjoy it one bit. The urge to call Opal was excruciating, I was so worried but thankfully she called me on FaceTime around 2am telling me she missed me. I offered to run over but she said she'd see me today. We fell asleep still on the phone so when I woke up this morning I got the most beautiful view. Her phone was propped up on her lamp, facing her. I took a few screenshots and ended the call to get ready. My costume is in my backpack, Opal said she'd add fake blood for me, I'm honestly useless . The last time I celebrated Halloween has got to be when me and Steve stole 6 hotdogs and hid at his house, scared that the police were going to come looking for us.

I walk in Opal's house and set my bag down on the table in the living room. I walk out to the kitchen and see everything's set out ready. I'm greeted with a giant hug from Hunter "Daddy!". I'll never get sick of hearing that. "I missed you last night" I tell him, "Me too. Why don't you live here?" Straight to the point, I like it. I look up at Opal for her to answer but she just smirks at me "Oh, uh I-" she starts laughing at my flustered face and stalks around the counter. She has this look on her face that I can't quite read. She pulls out a set of keys from her pocket with a key ring on and holds them up to my face "Move in with us?" She smiles a little nervous. I pull her in by her waist and kiss her "Ewww" Hunter whines which makes us laugh "I'd love to" I tell her. She hands me the keys and I examine the key ring closer. It's a photo of me, Opal and Hunter at the beach. She's sitting up between my legs while Hunters on my shoulders and we're all dressed in thick layers of clothing. I smile at the memory and take my jacket off "Let's bake some cakes then".

30minutes later the oven pings. I pull them out with my metal hand and set them on top for them to cool. Hunter's sent to watch TV while me and Opal clean up. I turn my back to scrub the dishes when all of a sudden I feel something hit the back of my head, it's a fucking egg. I spin around in shock "You threw an egg at me?" She stands there with her mouth wide open trying to hold back her laughter. I run towards her and pin her to the floor laughing, I grab the bowl of flower and pour it all over her as she screams for my mercy. "Bring back any memories?" I tease. She was very unhappy with Nora and George giving me that footage of her in the coffee house. We roll around on the floor covered in eggs, flour and even a few sprinkles when Hunter comes running in and jumps on top of me "FOOD FIGHT!" He shouts. Opal dashes behind the counter with a carton of eggs, Hunter has the flour while I have nothing. I'm stuck in the middle. Opal yells "CHARGE!" And they both pounce on me, assaulting me with their ingredients.

Once we've all had a shower and cleaned ourselves up it's time to decorate the cakes. There's Halloween themed food colouring and these little pictures on sticks that apparently we stick inside them? Madness. Once we're done we have 1 each before Opal starts on Hunters face paint. The door knocks, "Oh that's probably kids, do you mind answering with that bag of sweets over there please?". I grab the bag and open the door "TRICK OR TREAT!" The group of kids call. "Oh my god, Hunter wasn't lying, you are his dad!" One kid exclaims. I laugh and fill their bags up with candy "Thank-you White Wolf!".

When I go back inside Opal's smiling "Kids seem to love you". I chuckle "I guess".

An hour later and he's finally done. His white face paint with fake blood is surprisingly neat. Opal sends him to change into his Zombie Fire-man costume as she starts on me. I give her my old white T-shirt and watch her rip it. She adds some red face paint on it and then places it on the sofa to dry. "Come here" she pats the floor by her legs. She's sitting on the couch as I sit on the floor on my knees. The brush tickles which makes me giggle now and again. I told her I didn't want all the white face paint, just add some blood and I'm good. Once she's finished I look in the mirror "Wow you're really good at this face stuff" I tell her, "Yeah, I applied for a Media make-up course in College but you know". I don't push any further on the topic so I throw on my clothes. "How do we look?" I ask Opal as me and Hunter stand next to each other. "Amazing, let me take a photo" she says. She snaps a few then heads upstairs to change into hers.

She's wearing a small pair or boots, thick black tights, a well-fitting black mini dress and a witches hat. "Very scary" I smirk, she hits my shoulder playfully. "No, come on. Let me take some photos of you and Hunter now" I tell her. I get a good few before Hunter says "My turn to take photos". He takes one of me and Opal and we head out. It's already quite dark as we knock a few doors and surprisingly everyone answers.

"Oh my god! Opal!" A voice calls. It's Elise and her husband. "You all look great". I'm glad she's stopped with her degrading comments. "Would you mind taking a photo of all three of us?" I ask, "Of course". I'm all for photos tonight, damn. I think I'm just excited.

We spend a good three hours roaming the streets and knocking on doors with decorations. Hunters bag is completely full by the time we get home and he's exhausted. After the second hour I had to carry him, he's practically fallen asleep in my arms. Opal washes his face and I put him to bed, it's around 10pm so no wonder he's tired. Me and Opal get washed and undressed before laying on the sofa together. I spoon her from behind and plant kisses all over her jaw "I never want to sleep without you again" I tell her, "You don't have to anymore" she smiles "Well, apart from when you go on missions". There's a hint of sadness in her voice. I gathered she wouldn't exactly like me being away doing dangerous things but I never give it that much thought. You know, I wouldn't mind retiring and just living out the rest of my life with these two. I think I may make this my last mission- unless of course they desperately need me.

Love over Blood - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now