Chapter Four

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Opal's POV

"It was awful Cind, He hung up and everything. I haven't heard from him since. I tried to call him again Wednesday but no answer". Cindy's my rock, my best friend and like my sister. She actually owns this coffee house, it was passed down to her by her grandparents. Once they become unable to continue running the place. Cindy took over to keep their life's work alive. I think it's sweet. I moved here 6 years ago, poor and alone. I met Cindy when I was searching for an apartment to rent, It was pouring down with rain and the only thing I had on was a short-sleeved shirt and a pair of denim shorts . She spotted me through the window of the coffee house and called me in. Her grandparents still owned it at the time, they gave me a toffee latè and a scone on the house. Cindy wrapped me up in her large coat as I explained my situation to them, they offered me a job with Cindy as a barista and gave me a key to an apartment they rent out. I couldn't have been more thankful. To this day I still visit them, they're like my grandparents too. "Just tell him, Op". I sigh, "It's not that simple".

Just as I'm about to hang up my apron, the bells chime. It's Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. Tony points at me "You're Opal Lewis?". "Uh huh". "I'm going to get straight to the point. Barnes' is very miserable at the moment because of your 'seeing other men' thing", I stop him right there "Wow, wow, wow. I'm not seeing other men!". I'm quite offended by that. "Anyway, I am here to invite you to my party tonight because he's too stubborn to do so. I wouldn't normally get involved but he's even more unpleasant than usual", Bruce chimes in "He is". "Thank-you for the invite Tony, but I can't". Cindy slaps her hand over my mouth "She'll be ready at 8". "Great I'll send a car". Once they're gone I turn to Cindy "What the hell? You know I can't go". She chuckles "I'll be over at 6 and I'll stay the night. Have fun for once". I huff dramatically and head home to get ready.

Cindy arrives at 6 and eyes me up and down. I'm wearing a red, corset dress with matching shoes. My hairs up in a sleek ponytail but my natural curls are still intact. I decided to match my lips with my dress too. "I really thought i'd have to convince you to change but you look hot", "Is it too much?" I ask, worried. "No way. Red is totally your colour". I'm nervous about seeing James. If he wanted me there, he would have invited me. I pester Cindy about the instructions as she's practically pushing me out the door "I've done this a thousand times. GO!". I wave goodbye as I step into the car that's being held open by a man. "I'm Happy, Tony sent me". We make small talk then whole ride there. He seems nice.

When we arrive I'm escorted to the 8th floor by some teenager called Peter. He tells me the parties out on the balcony. I push open the double doors and all eyes turn to me. All the Avengers are here with their dates, and there's a few other people i've seen around too. I suddenly feel out of place but continue my walk of confidence.

Bucky's POV

Everyone immediately stops talking. I turn to see what they're all looking at; It's Opal. I start to feel jealously bubbling in my chest as all the men gawk over her and attempt to get her attention. She keeps her focus on me and struts over like she owns the place. "That's her?" Pietro asks, "Don't even think about it" I warn. That one is a huge flirt. I stand up as she gets closer. "Can we talk?" she asks. I nod and gesture her to follow me but she doesn't move, she walks over to the team and says hi. She's so polite. After everyone's done introducing themselves she follows me to the kitchen. I keep her close as we walk through the crowd.

I sit at the breakfast bar on the stool and wait for her to start. "I'm not seeing other people". I snap my head up and look at her confused, "I promise James. You're the only person I've been seeing". I suddenly feel a little stupid. "I'm sorry" I say but she just laughs, "Don't be. Stark invited me here but if you want me to leave I'll just call a cab", "No you won't. You still owe me a date remember?" I smirk. "Meeting your friends on the second date? wow, very bold Mr Barnes". I place my hand on her back and guide he outside. I decide to ignore the fact that she's not ill and just enjoy the party instead. It's still early, she doesn't need to explain herself to me.

I get Opal a drink as she sits down with the team. I was nervous for her to meet them but they don't seem to be embarrassing me at all. I give her the cocktail Nat recommended and sit down next to her with my glass of whisky. I normally hate being at parties where everyone's drunk besides me, but I don't mind it so much now she's here.

"Okay, never have I ever!" Tony calls. Pepper bursts out laughing at her drunken boyfriend. Everyone's pretty tipsy apart from me and Steve. The rules are, if you've done it, you take a shot. Tony starts off "Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex", Loki, Nat and Opal take a shot. I look at her "Really?", she just laughs. We do a good few rounds and Opal takes a shot for every single one. "Looks like your new girl is a bit of a dark horse" Sam giggles. "I thought you were some innocent prude" Tony slurs. Pepper smacks his arm but Opal finds it hilarious. She is definitely drunk now. "Oh my god I love this song!" Wanda screams, 'ME TOO!" Nat, Opal and Scott yell in unison. They all grab each others hands and get up to dance. I sit with a passed out Clint and laugh at the stunning, wild girl in-front of me. She catches my eye and grabs my arm "Get your ass up here James Barnes", I let her pull me up but refuse to dance, me and Sam are in bits laughing at these idiots. Opal suddenly stumbles over her feet and lands in my chest. I take the bottle of wine off her "I think someone's had more than enough". I lift her over my shoulder and shout goodnight to everyone.

I take Opal up-to my room, she giggles the whole way there. I sit her up on my bed, "You can sleep here tonight", she pouts at me "Where are you going?", "I'll sleep downstairs". "Stay with me. Please?". How can I say no to that adorable face? "Do you want me to keep my clothes on or is it okay for me to just sleep in my boxers?". I need to make sure she's comfortable. We haven't even kissed yet. "Sleep however you want" she slurs. I unbutton my jeans first and then remove my shirt. "Oooo absssss" Opal giggles. I can't help myself from joining in with her. I toss my shirt at her to change into "The bathroom is just there if you want some privacy".

She's not even in there two minutes when she starts calling me. "James. I think I need help". I open the door to a very drunk Opal, laying in the bath sideways. "I tried to take my shoe off and I fell backwards". I pull my phone out and take a picture, I am in hysterics. She's giggling at herself which makes me laugh even more. I pull her up and sit her on the toilet seat. I take her shoes off and ask if she needs help with the dress too. She nods her head yes. I want to respect her privacy as much as possible so I keep my eyes trained on the back of her neck. I unzip her dress and pull it down her body. She manages to put my shirt on by herself. I dampen a towel and help take her make-up off.

Once we're back on the bed I ask if she wants any pants, she tells me she's fine. We lay down on our sides, facing each other. She's still giggling over god knows what. "You looked gorgeous tonight" I tell her, she blushes "You did too. Especially now. You should never wear a shirt again in your life", I chuckle at her honesty. Opal brings her finger to my metal arm and traces it lightly "Can you feel that?", "Not really". She makes her way up to where it's attached and feels the rough scar tissue, the thing i'm most insecure about. She doesn't ask questions or make any comments which I'm thankful for.

I stare at her for a while after she's fallen asleep, she looks so peaceful. I haven't had a nightmare since Bruce worked with Shuri on these pills, so I'm not nervous about laying here with her at all. If this were a few months ago, I would never allow myself to fall asleep around her, my nightmares were so intense I was waking up thinking I was still the Winter Soldier on a mission. It was horrible but thankfully we found a solution after I finished therapy. I lightly stroke Opal's cheek with my thumb as I can feel sleep creeping up on me.

Love over Blood - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now