Chapter Twenty-Four

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Opal's POV

Today is February 12th or also known as 'The day we find out the gender of our baby'. I wasn't sure if we should keep it as a surprise but James is way too excited. He wants to start painting the nursery soon too so he convinced- no, BEGGED me not to keep it a surprise.

Hunter's been dropped off to Pepper and Steve and Nat are meeting us there. They're actually going to be finding out the gender first, they've planned a gender reveal party for us- which I love! After the appointment they're heading over to the shop to get the big balloon and the cake.

"You ready?" Steve asks James, "You bet" he smiles. I know this means a lot to Steve, seeing his bestfriend finally living the life he deserves to have. As I lay on the chair, Steve and Nat wait outside. The doctor asks about morning sickness, which I'm so glad to say I haven't had. James sits besides me, holding my hand as the doctor runs the microphone over my stomach "There we go" she smiles and points at the screen "I'll give you two a minute, did you want to know the gender?", "Oh, could you tell our friends outside please?", she smiles and nods. James looks like he's in a trance. I lean my head against his "So that's our baby?" He asks, completely mesmerised "Yeah" I smile. He kisses the side of my head and wipes away tears that have fallen down his cheek "I don't know what you've done to me, I never cried before meeting you" he laughs. I bring his face to mine and kiss him passionately. Once the doctor returns, she gives us the printed out scans and we head out. Steve and Natasha must have already left.

When we get home we shower and get ready. James puts on a blue shirt with a pair of black jeans while I wear a long baby pink maxi dress. As I stare in the mirror I notice something "JAMES, COME HERE!" I call, he rushed in "What's wrong?". I smile at him as he walks behind me "Look", I point to my stomach in the mirror, I'm starting to show a little. James let's out a deep breath, kneels down in-front of me and kisses my tiny bump "I need to take a picture" he says as he pulls his phone out.

100 photos later, we finally leave and make our way to the compound. The whole common area is decorated with blue and pink banners, there's balloons everywhere and all our friends and family are here. We chat amongst each other and Tony gets his camera out.

Bucky's POV

I'm shaking with anticipation. I don't care what gender the baby is I just really want to know. You best bet that tomorrow I'm going shopping for things for the nursery and I'm going to start setting it up and painting. "Okay, you ready?" Clint asks as he hands us the giant balloon and pin. Me and Opal wrap our hands around the pin and count down with everyone "THREE...TWO...ONE!" *bang* Pink confetti flies down as everyone's cheers. I grab Opal by her waist and kiss her. As we pull back, we stare at each other with the cheesiest smiles ever "We're having a daughter" she beams, "We're having a daughter" I repeat. Hunter runs up to us laughing excitedly "I'm having a sister!".

We cut the cake and everyone digs in. We get flooded with questions about names but we keep them to ourselves. Once it's time to leave, Cindy takes Hunter for the night and me and James head home.

"My feet are starting to get sore" Opal whines as she off pulls her shoes, I giggle "I bet you're tired too, right?", she glare at me with a straight face "Yes". I grabs her hand as I continues driving "We'll take a quick nap when we get in, doll. Then I'll order us pizza".

When we get in, I carry Opal to bed. I spoon her from behind and rub circles on her little bump. Her breathing steadies a few minutes later which lets me know she's fallen asleep, she must have been exhausted, bless her. I can't believe I'm going to have a daughter. A daughter. What do you do with a daughter? What do you do with a baby? I know nothing about babies. Oh god. I'm starting to panic, I sit up and take deep breaths but the thoughts won't stop rushing in. I'm going to ruin her, I can't be responsible for a baby. I need to get out of here.

I drive and I drive. I have no destination but I can't be here. I can't do this.

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