Chapter Ten

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Bucky's POV

We've been searching for two hours and we have nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing.

We all meet back up in Central Park. I'm pacing uncontrollably while the team discuss where to go from here when suddenly my phone rings. Everyone turns to me "That might be her" Clint says. I pull my phone out and see that it's an unknown caller, I pick up and put it on speaker phone.

"Hello" I say, "The Winter Soldier, how good of you to answer. I'm just going to get straight to the point, I want you to bring me my daring daughter, Opal, in return for Hunters life -" He pauses. There's a loud shriek and a shit tone of loud banging coming from the other end. The deep voice laughs "I'm glad to see she's still as skilled as all those years ago. You're of no use to me anymore" and he hangs up. "Damn, Opal made grown a grown ass man scream?", "Not the time Sam" I grunt. "Mr Barnes, I have traced the call" Vision says.

He sends us all the co-ordinates and we take off on our vehicles. I speed as fast as I can "You're going to fucking kill us" Pietro laughs. What a crazy kid. We all arrive roughly at the same time, of course he chose an abandoned warehouse. What a cliché. I go to head in but Tony grabs me "We'll go in together".

We creak open the door carefully, but apparently there was no need. 8 men lay on the floor unconscious. We head towards the back room. The door instantly shuts behind us and the dim lights turn on, A muscular, grey haired man appears "The whole team, how nice". I look behind him and see Opal chained up to a chair, I go to step forward but am stooped when a group of armed men appear from the shadows and load their guns. "Here's what's going to happen, You're going to take her spawn and leave. We'll take her with us. Any funny business, she dies". Hunter's being held by one of his men, crying. "Don't think about it James, get him out of here" Opal begs. "Fine" I say. Hunter is released and instantly runs towards me. I pick him up and hug him tightly. He sobs "Please help my mommy". My heart is breaking right now. "How do we know you'll keep your word?" Steve asks. Opal's father points to a large glass room "See for yourself". We all walk into the glass room and watch. I was hesitant to at first but Steve urged me. I feel so helpless right now, I don't know what to do. I can't risk hunter's or Opal's lives but I can't let her leave with them. Sam places a hand on my shoulder "You done the right thing, we'll get her back". Fuck, I hope so.

We watch as all his men spread out, One comes forward and locks our door. We all give each other wearily looks. This doesn't feel right. Opal's father kneels in-front of her and grabs her chin "Not so strong now are you, little one?", Opal smirks evilly "Speak for yourself. She pushes herself back into the wall with force, causing the wooden chair to shatter. She grabs her chain and uses it as a lasoo, wrapping it around one of his mens necks and pulling him down. He lands on top of her father. She runs forward dodging ever bullet that's shot at her. She grabs the front of the gun and shoves it up-ward, kneeing the man in his gut. A tall man, around 6 ft, runs up behind her and wraps his arms tightly around her neck while another runs at her with a knife. Opal's timing is perfect, she holds the man's arms that are wrapped around her throat and jumps, booting the other man back. She elbows the other in the face and spins around, kicking him in the jaw. I'm so entranced I forget to cover Hunter's eyes.

Once all the men are down, she walks toward her father who still hasn't gathered himself together and grips his neck. "Come anywhere near my son again and I'll put a bullet through your fucking head" She growls. Opal pulls out a pocket knife and throws it at our door, it sticks directly in the button and we're free. I run up to her with hunter still in my arms and we hug her tightly. I pass him over to Opal and she hugs him as tears stream down her face. 

As everyone gathers around Opal and Hunter, Maria Hill cuffs her father and takes him outside to the van. I don't know what they're all talking about, I'm standing quite a fair bit away. I am so fucking happy they're both safe but I am so mad at Opal for doing this on her own.

On the way out, Tony tells Opal that they're both to stay at the compound for a while, Opal frowns but doesn't disagree. She gets in the passenger seat of my car with Hunter asleep in her arms. Pietro and Scott sit in the back. "We'll head to your place and I'll pack up a few things first" I tell her. "Thanks" she replies.

Opal's POV

The drive to my house is silent, I think James is mad at me. Once he gets out of the car, I turn to face Pietro and Scott "He's pissed at me, isn't he?". They glance at each other briefly and both shrug. "We're all glad you're both okay" Scott says. I thank them once again for their help. 10 minutes later, James walks out with 3 bags full of things, he puts them in the trunk of the car and gets back in the drivers seat. The drive to the compound is also silent.

When we get in, Tony says that there's an empty room on James and Steve's floor that Hunter can sleep in. I'm hesitant to leave him alone for the night but Natasha ensures me that it's impossible for the compound to be broken in-to. That eases my mind a little. 

I put Hunter to bed and head in-to James' room. He's standing up, looking out the window. "My shirt is on the bed if you want to wear it" He says dryly. I get changed and walk towards him. James turns around to face me "What were you fucking thinking?!" He says with his voice raised. I'm a little offended and I know it shows on my face "I was thinking about my son!" I yell back. "You could have gotten the both of you killed!". I let out a laugh "I'm not fucking stupid James, I knew what I was doing". He sits down at the end of the bed. "I was so worried about you both. you just took off without saying anything". I kneel in-front of him "I'm sorry, but you have to understand, he's my son. I wasn't thinking about anyone else. He's my number one priority". James grabs my wrists and pulls me up on-to his lap. As I straddle him he wraps his arms around my waist "I know" he whispers "You're an amazing mother for that, I just wanted to be there to protect you". I kiss him on his cheek and he lets out a small chuckle "I now know that you don't need protecting. You never told me you were that good", "I don't like to fight" I whisper. He pulls me in and kisses me passionately. "We've had a long day, We should get some sleep". I nod in agreement and we crawl under the covers. 

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