Chapter Eight

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Opal's POV

There's a light banging on the window. I roll over to take a look and let out a loud scream. I did not expect to see Spider-man hanging on my window at 7:30 in the morning. James shoots up and grabs me, "It's fine, it's fine" I tell him. Once he looks around the room and takes notice of our visitor he lets me go and marches towards the window. He opens it and in crawls Spider-man, "Parker what the fuck are you doing?!". He takes off his mask and I recognise him as Peter, the boy who showed me to the party. "I am so sorry Ms Lewis, Mr Wilson told me to bring Mr Bucky his clothes", I let out a giggle "It's not a problem, Peter- and please, call me Opal", "Got it, Opal. Oh right...uh could you maybe not tell anyone about this because; you know the whole anonymous thing". I give him a thumbs up as James practically pushes him out of the window. "He's sweet" I say, "He's a menace".  James crawls back into bed and I snuggle into his arms. I could stay like this forever. He kisses the side of my head and I practically melt, I have never been treated with so much respect and affection in my life. "I should probably get up. Hunter's an early bird".' "I'll come with you". James chucks on his black shirt and grey sweat pants that Peter brought over while I stay in my Disney pj bottoms and an oversized hoody.

We make our way down in-to the kitchen and I make us a cup of coffee each. Around 10 minutes later we hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I can tell James is feeling a little nervous and then my thoughts are confirmed when he whispers "What if he doesn't like me?". I kiss him on the cheek "Impossible" and meet Hunter in the living room.

"Good morning, mommy", "Good morning, hunny", I give him a kiss on his head and whisper "There's someone I'd like you to meet", Hunter looks up at me, I turn around and gesture towards the kitchen where James is standing in the doorway. Hunter follows my trail of sight and a huge, toothy smile immediately appears on his face "White Wolf!" He shouts and runs to him. Hunter latches himself on-to James' legs, hugging him. James looks at me with the most heartwarming smile ever before he kneels down to Hunters level and hugs him back.

Hunter and James sit in the living room watching TV whilst I make breakfast. Hunter is full of questions about his missions and his arm and what it's like living with the other Avengers. James answers them all; appropriately too.

I make a 3 stacks of pancakes with syrup on for us all and we all sit at the table to eat. Hunter is so determined to tell James every detail of his life, it's sweet. "My mommy used to have blue hair", "Eat your food, troublemaker". James laughs "Blue hair?", I roll my eyes "When I was a teenager, yes", "I have got to see photos" he smiles. I swallow a bite of my pancake before answering, "Too bad, I don't have any", "Yes you do, they're in the photo album you keep under your bed". Damn kid. James laughs hysterically and high-fives Hunter, "I should never have introduced you two".

James helps clean up, once he's done Hunter drags him upstairs to show him his room and toys. I think he's getting attached already, it's very sweet.

They return downstairs with a big pile of boardgames and movies, "Mom, we're having a game day!", I look at James and he just shrugs. I can't get rid of this big smile on my face.

As we're playing snakes and ladders Hunter asks James what he's doing on Halloween, "I don't really celebrate Halloween" he confesses. "Will you come trick or treating with me and mommy then? Please", James looks at me, expecting me to answer for him. I just stare at him, "Uh if it's okay with your mommy then yeah, I'd love too". Hunter stands up and jumps in my arms hugging me "Can he mommy? Can he? Pleaseeee". "Okay,okay. On one condition", James raises his eyebrow, "He has to dress up", he rolls his eyes playfully as Hunter's jumping up and down in excitement. "Fine but if I have to dress up then you have to dress up too, and you're coming to Starks Halloween party".  "Matching costumes?" I smirk.

We spend the whole day eating snacks, watching movies and playing games. It's been great and Hunter has loved every bit of it. He is so infatuated with James and I can tell James really likes him too. Hunter's never really been around a man before and I was worried he'd be a little nervous but he adores James. I know James would be such a great influence on him. Even before we were dating, Hunter looked up to him. He loves all the Avengers but something about Captain America's best-friend really stood out to him.

Once we've finished eating our Chinese food it's 8pm. "You were supposed to be in bed an hour ago, mister". Hunter giggles at me wickedly. "Can James put me to bed with you tonight?". I look at James, silently urging him to answer. He smiles "Of course".

Once Hunter's all tucked in-to bed, we head back down stairs to clean up. "He's a sweet kid, you did a great job with him". I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a small kiss. "Thank-you". He wraps his arms around my waist and brings me in for another kiss but this time it's slow and passionate. I gently walk us backwards until the back of James' legs hit the sofa. He sits down as I straddle his lap; never separating our lips. He places his hands on my ass and pulls me as close to him as possible. I slide my tongue over his bottom lip and he lets out a groan. I slowly rock my hips against his hardness causing him to break apart from the kiss, "Opal, I said-". I place my finger on his lips, "I know what you said, This isn't sex". His eyes fill with an emotion that I can't seem to work out. He brings his lips to my ears "But I won't be able to control myself, especially with you in those tight pants" He says lowly. I feel my body heat up. God, if his voice alone does this to me then I'm screwed. James takes a hold of my hips and starts rocking me back and forth again, "No further than this, got it?", I nod my head in agreement, he grabs my chin and forces me to look at him "I said, got it?". "Yes" I breath out.

I attach my lips to James' neck as we grind together in a slow rhythm. "Fuck, you're driving me crazy, doll". We pick up our pace as I let out a series of moans. James groans whilst he slings his head back. He suddenly holds my hips in place and our rhythm comes to a stop. "We have to stop, I can't take it any longer baby and I want to stick to my word". I love these new nicknames. I press a gentle kiss to his lips and get off his lap. "Do you want to stay for another night?" I ask, "Only if I get to take Hunter to school with you" He smiles. I turn off all the lights and we head up to bed.

We lay together in the darkness; He's hugging me from behind with his head resting on my shoulder. "Thank-you for today, It meant a lot to Hunter and me" I whisper. "It meant a lot to me too, doll. Thank-you for trusting me". I turn around and snuggle into his chest. "Goodnight beautiful".

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