Chapter Twenty-Six

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Bucky's POV

I sit anxiously in the living room that used to be mine. Opal hands me a cup of tea "Thanks", she says nothing and sits down on the other end of the couch.

5 awkward minutes later, Hunter comes down the stairs "Hey buddy" I say with a smile, I go to stand but he points his finger at the couch and tells me to "Sit", Opal snorts quietly to herself while I bite back a smile. Hunter begins his questioning which Opal leaves the room for. I guess she doesn't want to hear it.
"Do you have a new girlfriend?", "No".
"Are you going to get a new girlfriend?", "No". And I mean it. If I can't have Opal then I don't want anybody else, she's who I want to spend the rest of my life with and I will spend that time fighting for her.
"Do you love my mommy?", an involuntary tear falls "Very much".
"Do you love me?", "I love you so much, Hunter".
"Then why did you leave us?" The sadness in his voice triggers a waterfall of tears, I sit him on my lap and hug him tightly "I got scared, I made a mistake and I'm so, so sorry", he hugs me back "Why did you get scared? You're the best dad".

After a few minutes I finally ask him what's been playing on my mind "Do you still want me to be your dad?", "Yes but don't leave again", "I won't, I promise", "And don't get another girlfriend" I chuckle at his forwardness "I wouldn't dream of it". After Hunter decides what he wants to do, he goes up to his room to get ready. I decide to go speak to Opal. I know she doesn't want to see me right now but I can't leave things like this any longer.

I walk out to the kitchen, she goes to walk straight past me but I grab her arms to stop her "Please, let's talk", she lets out a frustrated sigh "We'll talk when you're back".

I take Hunter to the park and we spend a few hours there, messing around and feeding the ducks. Once we're done I take him for food. We go to McDonald's. "So, what do you want?" I ask him, "Everything!" I let out a laugh and smile at the memory of Opal in the hospital wing of the compound. He settles on a chicken nugget happy meal, I grab a few things for Opal too and we head home.

Opal's POV

I didn't think it would hurt this much having to see him so often, I know he's only been back like two days but it's painful. I don't know how I'm keeping myself together around him. I wish I never agreed to speak to him though, my nerves are through the roof. But I guess it's important to figure out where we stand, he is the father of my children after all and I wouldn't want him to miss out on all the important pregnancy stuff.

When they arrive home, I send Hunter upstairs to watch TV. "I didn't know if you'd eaten so I brought you back some food" keep it together Op I take a deep breath and thank him. He sits down next to me on the couch and faces his whole body toward me "I know I messed up and I cannot apologise enough for it. If you don't want to be with me anymore then I completely understand. We'll do everything on your terms, okay? You call the shots" I can tell he's desperately trying to get this talk over with too. I start to silently cry "James I agreed to marry you for gods sake, of course I want to be with you but I just can't. Not right now", "I understand" he grabs my hand and rubs circles on it. "I don't want you to miss out on any of the pregnancy or baby stuff so I think, if you're comfortable with it, that maybe in a week or two you could move back in". I'm going to regret that, "Of course. You tell me when you're ready". We talk about arrangements and I tell him that I don't want to see him or talk to him for the next two weeks- unless it's related to Hunter. I want time to process everything. He reluctantly agrees.

On Monday, I start back work at the coffee house. Cindy is fuming with James but Nora and George seem to understand his way of thinking. I guess I do too but he really hurt me and my son so I'm not giving in- not that easily anyway. I don't even know if I want him back but I guess I'll just need to take the days as they come.

Love over Blood - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now