Chapter Twenty-One

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Opal's POV

I seriously need to tell James but I'm afraid. I know the way I've been acting lately is affecting him and it's unfair so I've made a decision, I'm going to tell him tonight, he's planned a big date for us and I can't think of a better time. There's someone I need to talk to first, Hunter.

I explain to Hunter what's going on and tell him he can't tell anybody yet, I just wanted to make sure he was okay with it first. He's over the moon which eases my nerves a lot. He promises to keep my secret.

Cindy picked Hunter up around an hour ago so I decide to get ready for mine and James' date, I'm actually feeling excited. He told me to meet him at the compound which I though was a little strange for a date but then again, I could be anywhere with him and still have the best time. It's the company, not the place. I throw on my black sleeved dress, a pair of tights and my flats. It's the start of December and it's began to snow so I need to dress warmly. I don't really know how to dress warm for a date but I guess this will do.

I exit the house and notice Happy standing there "Ready?" He asks, I didn't know he was coming to get me, James must have forgotten to tell me. I get in the car and make friendly conversation for the ride.

Once we arrive at the compound, Happy insists on walking me. We make our way through the first floor and pause at the door which leads to the back garden. He smiles at me "Here we are" I thank him as he opens the door for me. I'm immediately met with a cold breeze but I'm way to distracted by the scene in-front of me to care.

The whole garden is covered in a smooth layer of freshly fallen snow, the trees are decorated with fairy lights and everyone's here- everyone. I make my way over to where everyone's standing in a semi circle, some holding large, red velvet boxes. I am so confused right now. Everyone's dressed up formally. I take a closer look and the boxes have numbers on them, Wanda steps forward "Open each box in order" she smiles and heads back into her place.

Box number 1 is held by Scott, I open it and find an old coffee cup from the coffee house "This is the exact cup Bucky drank from on the day of your first conversation together". He kept this? I had no idea. I place the cup back in the box and move on.

Bruce holds box number 2, my hands are slightly shaky as I lift the lid. "A red rose from your first date with Bucky that he reserved in resin". It looks absolutely beautiful, tears threaten to spill but I hold myself together, I still have a few more boxes to get through.

I lift the lid of box number 3 "This is a photo I took of you and Bucky on the night of Stark's party, also known as your second date" Natasha smirks. I had no idea, I lift the golden frame and take a closer look at the photo, me and James are sitting down, facing each other. My hands are resting on his lap as we smile widely at each other- I think we may be laughing. "I can't believe you" I laugh as tears run down my face "You got my bad side", "Oh babe, you have no bad side".

I make my way towards Pietro who's holding box number 4 "This is definitely one of your best looks" he winks, I open the lid and am immediately filled with laughter, I lightly hit his arm "Yeah right". It's a photo of me and James, he's smiling cheesy at the camera while I'm flat out asleep on his chest, my mouth is wide open and my hair is stuck to my forehead with sweat. I hate him right now.

"Now personally, this is one of my favourites" Tony smirks, I am so dreading the rest of these boxes but I can't wipe this smile off my face. Box number 5 holds another photo and it happens to be from the night of Stark's party, for some reason I'm laying in the bathtub sideways "I'm going to kill James" I laugh.

Hunter jumps up and down excitedly as I make my way towards him, his box holds a photo of me, Hunter and James at the beach "When daddy became apart of our family" he smiles. I kiss him on the cheek and make my way to box number 7. "Hey, I didn't get a kiss l Pietro jokes, Wanda kicks him in the leg while Tony laughs.

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