Chapter Thirty- One

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Opal's POV

It's been a crazy couple of months. I've been spending a lot of time with my mother- we get on super well. I was a little nervous at first about seeing her often and letting her back in my life, which is understandable but she's proven to be amazing. James, Sam and Scott helped move her two months ago, she lives 10 minutes away which is perfect. James is over there now with Hunter. Another thing I was also nervous about- introducing them. But it's been great. Hunter loves having a 'big family' as he says.

If I'm going to be completely honest, I feel overwhelmed. It started out with me only having Cindy, Nora and George for support. Now I have all these people. I have James, the team, and my mother too. It's not easy, and I know you're probably thinking 'What an ungrateful bitch' but when you've gone from being extremely independent to having everyone doing everything for you, it's hard not to feel suffocated or like you're a burden. I know I'm getting closer to my due date now but that doesn't mean I can't wash the fucking dishes.

I've been snapping at everyone lately, I know it's the hormones and so do they, but that doesn't make it any better. I feel guilty as hell every-time it happens so for the last two weeks I've tried to keep to myself as much as I can. I don't want to blow up at people. Yesterday I yelled at Hunter for spilling cereal, fucking cereal. James told him that the baby is making me cranky and he understood, he even give me a hug but the guilt I felt afterwards hit me like a train. I was crying all night, until I eventually fell asleep on James' chest while he stroked my hair.

My emotions are everywhere, I'm either extremely angry, extremely upset or extremely horny. The horny part isn't an issue when you have a 6ft tall super soldier for a fiancé-boyfriend. Come to think of it, is he my fiancé? No he can't be. We broke up. I gave the ring back. Does he not want to marry me anymore? Oh god I need to stop before I start crying again.

I've been sat in front of the bathroom mirror for 30minutes crying over all my new stretch marks and what I'm going to look like post-baby. I didn't care before, I didn't have anyone to impress. My thoughts are interrupted by the front door opening and shutting. "Opal?" James calls. He must be back from dropping Hunter off at my moms. He's staying the night. I try my best to wipe away my tears and make myself look presentable but I don't have much time before the bathroom door opens and I'm wrapped in a. Tight hug from behind. I force a smile and look at him in the mirror "Everything went okay?" I ask, desperate to convince James and myself I'm fine, he plants a kiss on my neck "Yes. What's up with you?". I shake my head "It's nothing" and go to exit the bathroom. James shuts the door and corners me. My back to the sink. "Opal, what's wrong?" His worried expression makes me cave immediately. I let out a shaky breath "I hate it", he scrunches his brows in confusion "Hate what?". I run a frustrated hand down my face and blurt everything out at once "All the help. I hate it. I'm not some porcelain doll, I can wash the dishes, I can clean up after myself and everyone else. I'm not ungrateful because I appreciate everyone's help but it's overwhelming. My mothers back in my life some how, the team are always here making sure I'm comfortable and have no errands or chores to do. You take care of everything around the house, including Hunter. What do I have left? I'm not just going to lay about watching TV for the rest of my pregnancy. A pregnancy that's given me soooo many stretch marks. I'm so much bigger than I was with Hunter. What if I can't drop the weight? What if I do drop the weight but things are different? I can't-", James grabs my arms and holds me in place, shutting me up "You are absolutely right. We've all been trying to make this easier on you and you haven't had a say in anything. But do you know why? It's because you're stubborn as hell and hate to admit when you need help. I love you but fuck me, you're so hardheaded. You're two months away from giving birth, you can't get up off the sofa without my help so I'll be damned if I let you do anything other than sit around all day. And as for the rest of it? I don't know what to say. I don't know how I can help you and I hate it. Opal, you are the most gorgeous women I shave ever set my eyes on, and I'm over 100 years old. Of course the pregnancy is going to change you but that only makes me more attracted to you. You're carrying our child. My child. A child I never thought I'd have, a child I wouldn't allow myself to have with anyone else. You could put on 100 pounds and I'd still only have eyes for you" he plants a kiss to the corner of my mouth and wipes away my tears. I hate him, why is he so sweet. "Come on, let's go watch mean girls" he says as he rests his hand on the small of my back, navigating me to the living room.

Bucky's POV

My heart breaks watching and hearing Opal like that. I know her emotions are everywhere at the moment so I've been trying to do my best. She snaps at me a lot but I don't mind, of course it's frustrating getting screamed at for crunching too loudly on my Pringles but the women has to push a watermelon sized baby out of her soon. She can yell at me all she wants. I say Watermelon, but what's not to say that I've created an even bigger child? That would make sense.

Normally I'm hot-headed and quick-tempered but with Opal, I'm nothing but calm. I don't retaliate to her outburst, I simply apologise and hug her then give her some space if she asks for it.

We're laying on the couch watching TV, well- was watching TV. She fell asleep about an hour ago between my legs, her head resting on my chest. I play with her hair while I watch her breath steadily in her sleepy state. She looks so peaceful right now, I want nothing more than for her to be happy.

If I'm being completely honest, I've been terrified since last month. She's so close to her due date, she could go into labour at any time now. The baby could be early and I need to be here with her. When I leave the house I try not to be too long, sometimes Clint or Steve will come over with her if I'm going to be a while. I know I'm probably being paranoid but I need to be prepared right? Even if she does feel like we're smothering her. Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited to have our little girl in my arms, but the birth is going to be hard. Watching the women I live in so much pain and not being able to do anything about it. It'll all be worth it in the end, I know. I kinda feel guilty though so she best believe that I'm going to be the first one up every-time the baby cries. When I see that Opal is tired, she's going to bed. There's no chance in hell I'm letting her drain herself even more. She's carried this baby for over 7 months, she deserves a rest and I'm going to give it to her. I know it'll be difficult though.

I had a chat with Hunter not long ago about the baby. I warned him about the crying and getting woken up a lot. He said he didn't mind, he's very excited to meet his baby sister.

We all are, it's just a waiting game now.

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