Chapter Six

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Opal's POV

I see James at work every morning (Besides the weekends) and he always gives me a kiss on the cheek, it's sweet. He came in today and kissed me on the cheek three times. "I'm leaving for a mission tomorrow and won't be back until Friday". I tell him to be careful and to call me as soon as he's back. I haven't really thought about what it would be like when he goes away on dangerous missions, it's very nerve-wracking. I know he's incredibly skilled and strong but there's still a chance that he may never come back and that scares the shit out of me. I can't say or do anything about it though and I wouldn't want to, this is his job and he loves doing it. I really like James and things are going really well with us, I know it's only early but I can't remember ever feeling like this when I dated in high school. Since finding out I was pregnant with Hunter, everything I've ever done was for him. This is the first time i'm doing something for me and I do feel a little guilty but Cindy always helps me with that.

2:30pm strikes and I hang up my apron, I say goodbye to Cindy and get in my car. I drive to the school and wait outside for my little boy. I stand here alone while nearly every other parent is in a couple. Out of the corner of my eye I spot Elise. I fucking hate the bitch but our kids go to the same school so I have to keep my calm. Without fail she always manages to make me feel bad about being a single mother. She makes her way over "Opal, good to see you", "Good to see you too, Elise". She's been away for the last week on  vacation with her husband. They're you're traditional family; Married before having kids, have enough money for family trips etc. "Hawaii was great, have you ever been abroad?", "No, I haven't" I reply trying to keep my tone as relaxed as possible. "Oh hunny, You know I was telling my mother-in-law before we left about how you're a single mother and are just trying your absolute best to give little Hunter a good life" I remain silent, she's always giving me backhanded compliments, i'm just waiting for her to add on. "I mean, You got pregnant so young, There's only so much a young, single and irresponsible mother can do for her child. Growing up in a fatherless environment is sure to have it's effects on him". I grit my teeth, "Not that it's any of your business Elise, but i'm not single and even if I was, so what? Hunter has a great life and he doesn't need a dad. I took on the role of both parents and I'm pretty damn good at it no matter how young I am!". She frowns at me and makes her way back to her husband. I can't believe I snapped at her. I'm just so fed up of her putting me down and i'm not the only one she does it too. The bell rings at dead on 3:00pm and all the kids rush out to their parents. I spot my little brown hair, blue-eyed boy as he runs towards me with his iron-man backpack. He jumps into my arms and hugs me tight.

I strap him in-to his car seat and make my way to the front. He tells me about his day and says that he drew me a new picture for our fridge. He's the sweetest little boy ever. Sometimes I do wonder if growing up without a father has effected him but then I remember how well he turned out and all my worries dissapear. Last year he had a lot of questions about his father, he wanted to know why all his friends had one but he didn't. I started crying and he gave me a hug. I explained to him that my dad didn't want me to have a baby so I had to move away and that his dad isn't very nice. It's not exactly a lie, he wasn't a good person, he was the biggest asshole around and even if that wasn't the case, I couldn't stay there. My father probably expected me to run away to another country which is why I didn't. no one would ever expect me to stay so close to home and that's what made it perfect, not to mention I couldn't afford to go anywhere else. My father had everything on me wiped by the red room so he could sell me without the school or anyone reporting me missing, it's like I never existed at all . I stay off Facebook and instagram, I only use text messages and Cindy's grandparents kept me off the books and records. I'm untraceable unless of course, he came to New York and spotted me but then again, I'm not sure he'd recognise me. I was a little rebellious as a teenager, I was out drinking a lot at parties and I had bright blue hair and tons of piercings. I still have a few of my piercings now but when I found out I was pregnant I knew I needed to clean myself up. Cindy payed for my hairdressers appointment and they stripped the colour out of my hair and died it back to my natural shade. They gave me loads of tips on how to keep it healthy and maintain my waves without damaging it too.

"Ollie said you know the Avengers". I'm immediately snapped out of my thoughts, "What did you say, hunny?". Hunter repeats himself, "Ollie said you know the Avengers and that White wolf is my new daddy". I choke on the air in my lungs, "Why would he say that?" I cough out. "I don't know, he seen you with him when he came out of the movie theatre". We arrive home, I park up the car and take Hunter inside. I sit him down and talk to him. "James isn't your daddy, baby but we are dating" I feel nervous waiting for his reaction, it's always just been us two. He smiles at me "So he might be my new daddy?", I laugh at his positiveness and hug him. "We'll see. Now do you want a pepperoni or plain pizza?"

Once Hunter's bathed and put to bed, I watch TV. It feels weird not having James call me, I really hope things are going okay. I feel super intrusive doing this but I don't think I'll be able to sleep otherwise. I send Natasha a text and ask if she has any update on the mission. We exchanged numbers the night of the party, I think we all did to be honest.

Hey, Nat. Sorry for messaging but I was just wondering if you have any updates on James and Steve's mission?

She messages back instantly.

No sorry girl! There's been some technical difficulties. I'm sure they're fine though, try not to worry. Sam's gone out for backup.

I switch my phone off and head to bed and wait for sleep to consume me. I end up falling asleep around 4am, leaving me three hours of sleep before I have to get up and get Hunter ready for school.

I'm like a zombie making breakfast but the thought of seeing James tomorrow helps me work through my nerves. "Mommy, when can I meet your new boyfriend?", I giggle at his curiosity, "I don't know, now chop chop. Go get dressed". Is it too soon for that? We've been on two dates, we're not even official yet. I do see us taking things further though, it couldn't hurt, right? If James was comfortable with it obviously.

I drive Hunter to school and spend the rest of the day cleaning the house.

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