Chapter Thirty-Two

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Bucky's POV

After mine and Opal's conversation the other night, I finally agreed to let her go grocery shopping. Alone. It took a lot of begging on her part but I finally gave in when she sank to her knees and begged in a different way.

I'm not happy about it, of course, but after seeing how upset she was the other night I couldn't keep on smothering her like I have been. She left around 20 minutes ago and I've already called her three times to check up. I have a problem, I know.

Right now I'm in the nursery. Me and Sam painted the walls a light pink a couple of weeks back, I'm just setting up the crib now. Everything else is done but for some reason this thing won't work. "Fucking thing" I growl as I twist the screwdriver around. I finally give in and call Stark. He answers on the fourth ring. "Sup, Robo-cop", I roll my eyes and swallow down an insult "I need your help".

15 minutes later, Stark, Steve, Sam and Bruce arrive. While me and Steve put together the crib, the others double check the rest of the furniture. They don't trust my craftsmanship. Understandable.

Opal's POV

I arrived at the store an hour ago and James hasn't called since his third one. Thank god. I was beginning to get irritated with him. I know he's just worried but I'm two months away from my due date, I'm fine.

I only have two two more items on the list so I head to the veg section. As I examine the veg I feel a sudden pain in my stomach. I slightly bend forward and let out a hiss, must be because I'm not used to walking around anymore. I reach for the broccoli and feel it again but this time, it's more painful. Stupid Avengers making me sit on my ass for weeks on end.

Once I'm done with the shopping, I head to the check out. "That'll be $60.78 ma'am" says the young cashier. I go to hand her my card but fail to reach across as another pain stans it's way into my abdomen. "Uh are you okay?" The cashier asks, "Yeah, i'm good" I reply with a strained voice. She looks at the people in line wearily as she swipes my card and hands it back to me. "I think you should go to the emergency room" a women in line says, she looks like she could be around 50/60 with her peppered brown hair. "I'm fine" I smile. I clearly spoke too soon because as soon as those words leave my mouth I hear something that resembles a flood. I Cautiously look down and see that I'm the culprit. "Fuck" I whine as the pain starts to come back. The women rushes over and steadies me whilst the cashier gets her manager.

When the manger arrives she and the women guide me to the staff room and help me lay down on the sofa. "An ambulance is on the way" the manager says, "I need my boyfreind".

Bucky's POV

Finally, we finish everything. I didn't do as bad as the others thought on the rest of the furniture. Haha, suck it Stark. We're all sitting in the living room resting when the front door flies open. Clint runs in and looks at us all in confusion "I've been trying to call every one of you!" He yells, "Calm down Robin Hood, there's enough food for everyone", Clint rolls his eyes "Tony, Opal's gone into labour".

I couldn't tell you what happened in the last five minutes. After I heard those words I dived out of my seat. Sam and Stark called everyone and told them to meet us at the hospital. Clint's driving while I dial Opal's number. "Hello?" An unfamiliar voice says "Where's my girlfriend?" I practically yell, "The ambulance just arrived, they're taking her in. She said meet her there". I end the call and tell Clint. My heart is racing, I should never have left her go out. Her and her stupid perfect lips.

Clint doesn't even have a chance to park up the car before I'm diving out of the passenger seat. Steve grabbed all our bags that we made months ago ready for the hospital.

Once I get to the waiting room, everyone's here. The team, Pepper and Morgan, Hunter, Cindy, Nora, George and Louise. I give them a panicked smile and rush to the counter. "Opal Lewis", "Room 6".

I run down the hall and burst through the doors to see Opal laying in bed with a pot of ice chips. I Neal down besides her "Are you okay?", "Yeah. Contractions kinda suck though" she giggles.

The nurse walks in 10 minutes later and explains how dilated she is and when she needs to start pushing etc. We're aware how long this could take but I'm with her for the whole way.

Throughout the next few hours, Opal's contractions have gotten closer together. I'm telling you, I'm so happy to have this serum running through my veins because the strength this women uses as she squeezes my hand is unreal. Her mother has been here for three hours now, trying to occupy her.

I do her breathing exercises with her and wipe away the sweat on her head as she gets through another contraction. "You're ready" the nurse says "You need to start pushing".

Opal's agonising screams bounce around the room "I can't do it" she cries, "I can't". I kiss her on the head "Yes you can. You've got this".

I continue speaking motivational words to her when the nurse tells me that if I want to watch the birth, nows the time. Opal's mother takes my place, holding her hand while I make my way down to the nurse. I take one look at what's before me and my eyes widen "Oh my fuck- Opal, how are you doing this?!" I exclaim, "NOT FUCKING HELPING!" She screams. Her mother keeps speaking to her while I watch everything unfold before my eyes.

Once I see the head a rush of adrenaline shoots through me. "You're almost there- Oh my god- keep going" I call. Once the heads out, the rest just slips out easily. The nurse rushes over to Opal and immediately placed the baby on her chest. I stare, frozen with shock. That's my daughter right there.

Louise kisses Opal gently on the head "Congratulations sweetheart. I'll give you some space", she makes her way over to me and hugs me "Congratulations James". I'm too shocked to say anything so I just nod. After she's left, I walk over to Opal. She's silently crying. I neal besides her and watch, trying to keep myself together.

I don't know how long we stay like that, but it feels like a long time. The nurses arrives back "We're going to clean up mom and baby and put them in a private room". I nod and watch as they wheel them out of the room.

I walk into the waiting room, everyone immediately stands up and awaits my news. I can't form words "I- I-" I let out a frustrated huff and for the first time, smile widely as tears stream down my face. Everyone cheers and rushes forward, wrapping me in a hug. After the excitement dies down, everyone heads home to clean up and rest. I thank them all for staying and head back into the room.

Opal's now in a white hospital gown while the baby is wrapped in one of her pink blankets. Opal turns her head when she hears the door open. She pats the spot next to her, I don't hesitate to get in the bed. "Here" she says as she brings her arms toward me, I hesitate. This doesn't go unnoticed. "James" she says softly, "It's okay. Just make sure you support her head" she passed her over to me and smiles "You're a natural". I look down at the precious, innocent being that sleeps soundly in my arms. She has Opal's nose and her three strands of hair resemble Opal's chocolate colour too. I smile widely and look to my side "I am so fucking proud of you". Tears begin to run down my face again but I couldn't care less. This is the best day of my life.

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