Chapter Five

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Bucky's POV

I wake up with Opal curled up on my chest. This is already a good day. I watch her sleep peacefully in my arms. Within a few minutes she begins to stir and lets out a groan, "I think someones stuck a knife in my skull". I laugh at her whiney tone "Come on, Vision always ,makes his famous hangover cure. I bet everyone's already down there". I slip on a pair of grey sweat pants and hand Opal a pair too. I carry her down to the common area. I was right, everyone's sprawled out, looking half-dead and groaning. Me and Steve smile at each other, silently thanking the serum for our inability to get drunk. I lay Opal down and place her legs on top of mine. Vision comes out with a tray full of green drinks and everyone gulps it down like their life is depending on it.

20 minutes later, people start to talk. The drinks must be kicking in. Maria Hill sits up "Just a heads up, Sharon Carter's on her way. She's bringing me my paper work". Everyone lets out a sigh. We hate her. She's a huge bitch and has some weird thing for me, it's creepy.

Soon enough Sharon's here. "Hey Buck" she flutters her eyelashes. I ignore her as usual. She takes a seat opposite us all and eyes Opal up."Who the hell is this?", Maria scolds her for her rudeness but Opal says nothing. She just sits up and stares at her. She has this conniving smirk plastered on her face and I can't lie- it's hot. "So you're his new girlfriend then?". Opal remains silent. "Thing is, it won't wok out. Your relationship is doomed. Don't feel bad though, not everyone can look passed the fact that he was a weaponised murderer like I can. That's why we're perfect for each other" Sharon smirks, knowing exactly what she's doing."Sharon" Steve warns through gritted teeth. I begin to panic because WHAT THE FUCK?! She wasn't supposed to find out, not this way. Opal shifts her body forward "I'm sure you'd be great together, I guess it's just a shame that he can't look past the fact that you're a raging whore", She smiles sarcastically at her. There's a few gasps and snickers from the team as Sharon storms out. Scott completely loses it and falls on his side in laughter, Nat high-fives Opal "You go girl". I'd probably be high-fiving her two if I weren't about to pass out. I stand up abruptly and start to pace, "James" Opal calls. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you" I pant out "I understand if you want to leave and never see me again. I shouldn't have kept that information from you, I feel awful and you've been nothing but honest and-". "I have a son" she blurts out. I stop my pacing. She has a what? Did I hear that correctly? The whole room falls silent. I hold out my hand "Lets talk".

Opal's POV

He takes us back to his room and sits us both down on his bed. "Opal, I'm going try and say everything that's on my mind right now so please just bare with me" He inhales a huge breath, "I know I should have told you about my past but I was so afraid I'd scare you off and I know that's selfish and wrong but... it just felt so good to finally find someone I like and have a normal conversation and a normal date without anything like that being brought up". I need to tell him, he looks petrified "James, I already knew", I bite my lip anxiously, "You did? Why didn't you say anything?" he asks. "Why would I? What happened to you was not your fault. You deserve to have a normal life. I'm not mad at you and I don't want to stop seeing you, I know what you were forced to do so you never have to talk about it with me, okay?". A tear slides down his cheek, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to me. He wraps his arms around my back and sobs into my shoulder.

After he calms down, he slowly pulls himself away from me, "So, You're a mother?". I let out a sigh "I'm sorry. I was afraid of scaring you off too". "Am I aloud to ask about the father?" James asks carefully. I think he should know everything. "You were honest with me so I think I should be honest with you too. About everything" I suck in a deep breath and prepare to tell James something that I have never shared with anyone besides Cindy. "My mother left when I was young, I was the only child and we were poor. I don't know how it started but when I was about 4 years old my father had this new obsession with me taking up 'hobbies'. It started off with pretty normal things, ballet and gymnastics; the usual. The better I got, the more things he was introducing me to. He told me that when I was good enough, he would earn money from me so we could afford 'nice things'. By the age of 16 I was trained in all sorts of different types of fighting and could professionally use a shit tone of weapons. I found the paperwork, and letters. He was planning on selling me to this place called the red room". I pause to let him process everything so far. He nods his head signalling me to continue, "I was supposed to fly to Russia with my father to be assessed before they decided on a price. 2 months before the assessment I went to a friends birthday party. There was alcohol and I got wasted. I remember waking up the next morning next to this guy that was in my class, my friends said that we had left together. I didn't- I still don't remember what happened but three weeks later I fell ill. I was throwing up all the time and I had missed my period. I bought a pack of pregnancy tests, I thought it was a long shot but I knew I needed to check. All 5 of them were positive. I eventually worked up the courage to tell my father and long story short, he went nuts, I had to leave for my own safety, for my baby's safety. I told the boy I had obviously slept with that I was pregnant and he said he wanted nothing to do with it. That's when I moved to New York. Cindy and her grandparents took me in, they gave me a job and a place to stay. That's why I was acting so weird when you stopped by, it was my son that was ill". James looks at me sympathetically "I am so sorry". I wave him off, "Don't be". He lifts my chin with his finger "I was going to wait for our third date to kiss you but this moment feels so intimate I don't think there'll ever be a better time". Before I have chance to absorb his words, his lips are on mine. He's gentle and respectful but at the same time it's so intense. We're pouring our feelings into this kiss and I know he feels it too. It lasts a few seconds before he decides to pull away. He flashes his smile at me which causes me to smile too.

After we make sure that we're on the same page, we decide to go clear the air with the team. My past is going to stay between me and James, of course. "Hey, everything good?" Scott asks. "Yeah, everything is fine" Bucky replies. Sam shuffles to the edge of the sofa "So, do we get to see photos of your son?". A feeling of relief and happiness washes over me, I love talking about my son and I'm so glad that the team seem to be fine with it. This is James' family and I want nothing more than to get along with all of them. I pull out my phone and pass it to Sam. I show him the photo of my son smiling widely playing with his building blocks on the floor. Everyone gathers around and takes turns looking at the photo. There's a lot of 'awe's' and 'so cute's'. Steve chuckles to himself "He kinda looks like you Buck", "I thought the exact same thing" Wanda chimes. Bucky doesn't say anything, I think he's trying to respect my boundaries. I pass him my phone and he smiles. "He kinda does look like me. God, he's cute". I sort of see it too, he has brown hair and very blue eyes. "What's the little munchkin's name" Tony asks. "Hunter. He's almost 6".

James is going through my photos and videos of Hunter. He looks so fascinated. It warms my heart. I decide to go help Pepper in the kitchen, Steve and Nat are setting out all the plates and cutlery whilst I stir the gravy. "That's sweet" Nat nods her head in Jame's direction. "You know, he always wanted to get married and have kids. Even when we were like 10 he'd always talk about his dream family" Steve says. I'm kinda sad that things didn't go that way for him. "He would have made a great father" Pepper adds, "He's great with Morgan and I'm sure he'll be just as great with your little one". I haven't really thought about how I'd introduce them. It's too soon for that anyway, I think.

We dish out the lunch and all sit around the table. Once we're done, James drives me back home in Tony's Audi. He kisses me goodbye and promises to call me tonight.

Once James drives off, I go inside. "MOMMY!" Hunter yells excitedly, he charges at me so I kneel down and scoop him up. I rest him on my hip "Hi, hunny". 

Love over Blood - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now