Chapter Seventeen

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Opal's POV

James leaves for his mission this afternoon, I'm dreading it. He said he's going to stop by on his way to say goodbye so Cindy offered to work my shift. He left at 1pm so he should be here any minute. He hasn't officially moved in yet as he has things to bring over and it would be too much hassle with the mission coming up but hopefully when he's back we can move his things here.

I hear the sound of an engine shut down and then the front door opens. James has a huge smile on his face "Hey" he says, I look at him suspiciously. "I wanted to give you something before I left", he hands me a small white box. I open it up to find a golden ring in the shape of an infinity loop "James, it's beautiful", "Opal, will you officially be my girlfriend?", I smile widely at him and jump in his arms. We kiss for a good minute before Natasha starts beeping obnoxiously outside. "One more thing" he says as he pulls something out of his shirt. He places the metal chains around my neck, I look down and notice they're his dog tags from the army. I go to object but before I have the chance he kisses me "I love you. See you soon", "I love you, be careful" and with that,he's gone.

This mission is supposed to last a week. 7 days without James, it's going to be torture but at-least he gets service this time. He promised to call me every night. As soon as James, Nat and Scott arrive at their safe house he calls me and lets me know they're going to have an early night ready for their big start tomorrow. I decide to have an early night too, I hate sleeping alone though.

I drop Hunter off at school and head to the coffee house. I show Cindy my new ring and James' dog tags, she squeals with excitement "Oh my god! This is really serious", I look at her stupidly "Of course it is", "I knew it was serious but girl, this is the man you're going to marry". I smile at her, I really do hope I get to marry this man some day.

The rest of the day actually flies by, I pick Hunter up and take him shopping for some new clothes as he's starting to grow fast, hardly any of his shirts fit him anymore. It's around 6pm when we get back so we watch a movie and order Chinese take out. Once Hunters all tucked into bed, I decide to watch 'big bang theory' in my bedroom while I await James' call. He never give me a specific time so I could be waiting anywhere between a minute or 5 hours. I just hope everything's going well, I miss him.

It's 9:45 when my phone starts to ring, I pick it up eagerly "Hey, is everything okay?", "Yeah, it's going well actually, how are you and Hunter?", "We're good but we miss you, I miss you". James let's out a sigh "I miss you both too. It's torture being away from you, especially for this long". "What do you miss about me?" I ask teasingly, James chuckles "I miss waking up to you every morning, I miss your laugh, your sarcasm" he pauses "And I really miss being inside you" he says lowly. My breathing stops as I absorb his raspy words. I immediately message James a photo I took a couple of days ago, I'm in a baby blue lacy bra and matching thong, on my knees in-front of the mirror. I was going to send it to him when I took it but I got embarrassed. "Fuck you're going to make me drive home now, is that a new set?", "Mmhmm". I hear him inhale a deep breath "Are you in bed?", "Yes" I reply, "Good. Do as I say, got it?" I think I like where this is going. "Yes, sir".

James goes into his room which so happens to be the farthest away from everyone else's, that's worked out great, right? "I want you to undress", I obey his orders and take off my tank top and shorts, I let him know I'm done. "Now I want you to touch yourself". I slip my hand down my panties and start to play with my clit. I let out a quiet moan "That's it, baby". I hear some rustling on his end and then a loud gasp "I could stare at that photo all day" he groans, "I have more for you" I say breathlessly, "Doll" he growls. I use my free hand to send a few more, I hear his breaths getting faster and deeper. "I wish you were here" I moan, "Me too, doll. I want you to finger yourself now, okay?", "Yes, sir" I pant. We go back and forth, dirty talking and telling the other how much we miss them until we reach our climax's and release our frustrations.

We talk for a while on the phone before we decide it's time to go. I have work in the morning and James has to be up early. We say our 'I love you's' and hang up.

Cindy's POV

It's been three days since James left for his mission and I know Opal's worried sick about him. She forgets that I can see past her positive act. I don't know how to comfort her though. Me and Sam have only been on two dates and things seem to be going well, I've yet to experience the fear that comes along with him being an Avenger but I know it's not going to be pretty. I'm pulled away from my thoughts by a being car outside, it's a black SUV, I look at Opal confused. "Maybe it's one of the Avengers" I say, Opal goes to check it out, the door opens and a big pair of gloved hands grab her arm and yanks her in. I scream and run out but by the time I get there, the car has taken off. I immediately call Sam, shaking and crying. He says him and the team are on it. Tony comes to take a look at the security footage while Sam hugs me tightly. "We need to tell James", "I think you're right" Steve sighs. The original plan was to keep him in the dark until his missions over but that doesn't seem like such a great idea now that we have no leads whatsoever.

Steve calls Natasha while Tony has Pepper to collect Hunter from school.

Bucky's POV

I'm finishing up washing the dishes when Nat walks in with a strange look on her face. "You're not going to like this" she says.

I storm out of the safe house and get in my car. I drive as fast as I can back to the compound, I make it there within 2 hours. My mind is clouded by anger. I shouldn't have left for this fucking mission.

I burst through the doors of the conference room "What the fuck!" I yell, Steve stands up "Buck, calm down. We'll figure this out".

We sit for 40 minutes discussing people who may want something from her or have some kind of grudge against her but no one springs to mind.

We have F.R.I.D.A.Y run a facial recognition search on security footage all around the country, we even have her track down the number plate of the SUV but turns out the car has been abandoned near an empty garage.

After everyone calls it a night I stay sitting in the conference room, Cindy approaches me "I'm sorry" she sobs. I hug her "it's not your fault". I tell her I'll take care of Hunter. I drive her back to her apartment and then head back home with Him. Pepper explained to him that mommy may be gone for a while but we're going to get her back. He's upset, obviously.

I let him sleep in bed with me, we could both use it if I'm honest. As he snuggles into my arm I feel sleep creeping up on me. Where are you Opal?

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