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So this is the last part to the book.  I'm going to miss writing this book but yeah, I can't believe I completed it tbh xD thank you guys who stuck with me throughout writing this.  I love you all so much xx

Next day

3rd person POV

"GUYS, what the fuck, no, no, no, this isn't happening!" Calum shouted as he called the other guys into Emma's bedroom.  he'd found her letters.

The boys ran into Emma's room in complete confusion.

"What's wrong?" asked Luke, so casually, completely unaware of what he was about to read.

"There's one for each of us, here, take yours"  The boys confusingly take their envelopes from Calum's outstretched hand and read them as Calm watches them intently.  having already read his own letter, he knew the subject of the remaining four letters.

"No, no this is a fake, she wouldn't, she's stronger now! Right guys?"

Unfortunately, Michael's words are incorrect.  You see Emma was not stronger, she was never getting better and she knew she never would.  She was acting her recovery.  She was sick beyond the point of recovery.  It would have taken a miracle to fix Emma's corrupted mind.  And Emma only received a devastating tragedy, the death of her dad, Ashton. 

One year on...

Emma's a year dead today.  Her body was never recovered and so the boys never quite understood what she did to herself. 

Although you do not know who I am, to you I am merely a 3rd person, but I am real and I have a voice.  I've been able to watch Emma's Journey and I am still watching.  I have watched how the boys have continued with their lives. 

Even though Emma begged them not to let her death affect their dream or their lives, they couldn't help but let it.  The band broke up and millions of fans were devastated.  Over one hundred suicides.

The boys.  Michael, Luke, Calum.  They each took this tragedy differently, very differently.


He is currently shut up in his room.  He doesn't talk anymore, mute, completely mute.  His parents have taken him to many different councillors and specialists, all to see if they can cure him. But he can't be  cured, their efforts are making him worse.  You see, he realises now how he has so many people that care about him.  More than Emma ever had.  This upsets him.  It makes him long for Emma to be alive, he wanted to fix her but they only broke her more.


He took it best out of the remaining three.  He goes out, has a job and overall seems happy and fully moved on from these unfortunate events.  But there is an underlying sadness.  If you look directly into his eyes, you will see it.  Its always there and although he does his best to ignore it, it's still there and it can never be removed.  You see, you'll never get over the death of a loved one.  I want you all to understand as readers that no one recovers from the sadness of the death of a loved one.  You can ignore it, you can push it away, you can pretend it isn't a part of you, but it is always there.  The happiest of people are often the saddest


He seems okay, right?

Wrong.  Again, like Michael, he acts happy.  But it is just that, an act.  He's deeply sad, sadder than Michael, possibly sadder than Luke.  He's doing something now, which he helped many friends avoid in his younger years.  He's self harming.  He spent a very long time telling Emma it doesn't fix anything, yet here he is, convinced that it helps him to overcome his own sadness.  There hasn't been a day since Emma's funeral that he doesn't pick up a razor blade.  Believe it or not, he's planned his own departure out of this world.  His birthday.  The day he was brought into this world will be the day he leaves this world and he can't wait.

You see, I am a voice, a human form and Emma's life, is a made up scenario.  I also live in a care home and day after day I yearn for someone to come and give me a home and family but they don't.  And so I wrote this story.  I want to let you know that my name is Chloe and I have a message:

Bad things will happen.  They are unavoidable things.  What you have to do is understand that people react differently.  Just because you have reacted worse to a situation than someone else, does not mean you are any weaker than they are.  No two people react the same and so do not worry.  Concentrate on fixing what remains broken, and always look forwards.  It's never good for the uncorrupted mind to dwell on the darkness of the past no matter how tempting it may appear.

My other message I want you to understand, is that after every death, there are a chain of events.  I want you to understand that suicide is never the answer.  You see from what you have previously read, suicide made the situation worse, and harder to deal with.  Value yourself, you are worthy and you are loved.  Your actions affect others because you are important. You matter.



Omg that was amazing.  I can't believe it's finished. I'll miss writing this for you guys but I will be starting a new book after my exams, maybe before, who knows.  so look out for it!  Love you all!

Just to put it out there that I am not Chloe, she is an additional character to the book! But listen to her message, as its true!

Comment down below  what you thought of the book and the ending! Lets get the number of comments on the book up to 100? Thanks guys


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