Chapter 6

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So whos ready to find out the risk??? enjoy!

Chapter 6

Ashton’s POV (I'm cruel I know)

I'm really worried about Emma, I don’t think she’d lie to me but I think there’s something more going on with her, but I don’t know what it is.  I don’t think I should tell the boys yet, I'm not even sure there is anything, I need proof first.

“I can’t believe we’ve almost finished our first world tour, I know it’s not ours but still!” Luke’s statement brought me abruptly back to reality

“Yeah I know, it’s incredible”  

“Has anyone told Emma to pack for tomorrow?” Michael asked as I stood up,

“I’ll go now” and with that I started up the stairs to tell her.  I reached her door and knocked twice, waiting for her to answer. 

“Come in!”

I opened the door and strolled in and threw myself on her bed beside her.

“You know the tour tomorrow?”


“Have you packed for it, Em?”

“Nope, I’ll do it now, want to help?”

“No chance!” I laughed and she shrugged, laughing back

“Then leave me alone to pack” she laughed, shaking her head at me. 

“Well don’t be too long, lunch is soon” she groaned at me so I hugged it tight. 

“I know you hate this Emma, but it will help okay? Trust me, Em” I kissed her head and left her to pack.  I really did feel sorry for her, I wish I could just take away all her problems in a flash, but unfortunately, I knew that could never happen.

Emma POV

I knew I had to pack but there was something I had to do first.  I pulled out my laptop opening twitter. It was time to find out why Ashton didn’t want me to have it.  I knew this was a risk.  It was threatening Ashton trust and I feel so bad for doing it but him telling me not to get it made me want it so much more.  So I made an account and followed the instructions which helped me to learn how to use it.  I was scrolling through the trends when one caught my eye


So this is the reason.  This is why I wasn’t allowed twitter. The hate. I forgot about the hate which comes along with being close to famous people.  I stared at the screen, clicking on the tab,  pages and pages of hate.  I read through a few

“Why would they want a freak like her?”

“She’s so fat”

“Why can’t she just kill herself?”

“Ugly slut”

And the one that hurt the most...

“If her own parents hate her then what makes her think other people will like her, FAT COW”

I felt my eyes filling with tears.  I slammed the laptop closed and tried to stop myself crying before I did something I would regret.  I tried to take my mind of it by packing but I knew it would never work. I just wish I could talk to Luke about it but he would just tell Ashton about it and there was no way I was going to let Ashton find out. 

After lunch had finished the boys wanted to get to know me a bit better since we had been shopping and playing games and watching movies and just generally too busy to get to know each other.

We gathered in the living room and decided to spin a bottle and ask the person it landed on a question.  Calum went first and of course it landed on me. Yay, not. 

“Have you ever had a boyfriend?”

“Don’t hold back much eh hood? Yes I have, a year ago.”

I spun the bottle and it landed on Michael,

“Why do you dye your hair so much? Aren’t you scared of going bald?” Michael laughed at my question.

“I love change I guess.  I just love looking different from these idiots” he pointed to the other boys as I laughed with Michael.

“I thought we had something special” Ashton said while holding his heart, dramatically.  I couldn’t help but laugh harder.

We continued this game until Luke asked me a horrible question.

“Are you ticklish?” oh god.


“Grab her!” remind me to kill Luke later as all 4 boys jumped at me and held me down tickling the life out of me. 

“Can’t. Breathe.” I choked out and they stopped, grinning at me.  I groaned knowing that was going to become a regular thing. 

“Hemmings, I officially hate you”

Luke just smiled at me, poking my cheek.  I pushed his hand away, frowning at him.  My annoyance with Luke was short lived as the faces he was making made it impossible for me not to laugh.  It was moments like this that made me so happy and forget everything bad in this world.


i love writing this, it makes me so happy :3 i hope you love it

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