chapter 10

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so im lying in bed sick and decided to write another chapter, so here it is! hope you like it. 

Chapter 10

“Shhhh it’s okay, I’m here now.” I only cried harder at his words.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I heard Ashton ask me. I nodded slowly; it felt good to tell him last night so maybe this will help?

“I had a flash back of when I was living with them.” I barely whispered. I saw Ash nodding for me to continue

Flash back

“Have you told them yet?” I heard my mum ask dad as we ate our dinner in silence.  She sounded so cold; I knew by the way she spoke exactly what she meant.  I got up normally and walked up the stairs into my brother’s room.  He was on his bed listening to music, he looked up when I walked in and I immediately broke down. 

“What’s wrong Em?” he asked, panicking.

“It’s happening again, Andrew, he’s leaving us again.” I cried harder into my brother shoulder.  He tried his best to calm me down before charging down the stairs and yelling at my dad.

“What the fuck, who do you think you are?!” I heard him yell. “You can’t do this to us, come in and out of our lives whenever the fuck you feel like it! Don’t you understand what it does to Emma?! She loves you, and you dump her whenever you want and expect her to welcome you back when you’re ready! Well whenever the fuck you decide to come back this time, I’ll be gone, and believe me, Emma will not welcome you back, she’s had enough of your shit, stay the fuck out of our lives.”  And with that, my brother stormed out of the house. 

“Please don’t go daddy, don’t do this again, I need you.”

“I’m sorry Emmy, but I have to, I don’t love you or your mother anymore.” And with that he ran out too.  “No! Dad! Please! Come back!”

“This is your entire fault Emma, why do you have to fuck everything up?!” my mum screamed at me.

“I’m sorry mum, I'm sorry that I'm a fuck up, I'm sorry I ruin your life day after day, why don’t you do everyone a favour and throw me in care then!”

“I wish I could you stupid bitch, I hate you!” 

End of flashback

You’ll never truly understand how much those words hurt when they come from your mother’s mouth unless you have experienced them first hand.  Those are the words that haunt everyday of your life afterwards, every time you fall asleep you will have nightmares of her screaming those words in your face, they repeat in your head, day after day, never really leaving you.  They stay with you for years afterwards.

Ash, I still hear them, repeating in my head, they never stop, they are always in the back of my mind.  Why does she hate me? What did I do wrong?!” I cried.  I just wanted to know that answer.  What did I do wrong? What was so bad that I did that caused my mother to despise me to the point where she abandons me? 

“I don’t know Emma, you are perfect and beautiful and I can’t imagine you ever doing anything wrong.  Your mother was wrong when she said she hated you, no one could ever hate you Emma. I promise.”  Those words, those few words, made everything brighter, happier. I felt happy inside, a feeling I hadn’t felt in years.

“Thanks Ash, I love you”

“I love you too, Em” he smiled at me and I smiled back, I love moments like these.  I cuddled into him, wow he smells good.

“I really like Laura, she’s like a sister to me already and I just met her, I can trust her and she makes me smile, like you and the boys” this seemed to light up his world. 

“That's amazing, Em, I really like her too, I was scared in case you wouldn’t like her, that’s why I kept her hidden.  I didn’t want to have to choose between you too. That would’ve been impossible.”

“Well I'm glad you’re dating her, because she’s perfect and just the best and to be honest, you deserve the best Ash”

He smiled at me.

“Thanks Em, that means a lot.  Now time to sleep, yeah?”

“Okay but can you stay? I feel safer when you’re with me.”


And with that I fell into a peaceful and undisturbed sleep.  These boys are really the best family anyone could ever wish for.

I woke up the next morning to find Ashton asleep beside me.  I smiled, happy that he didn’t leave me.  I gently got out of bed not wanting to waken him and walked into the TV room where I found Luke already awake. 

“Hey, you okay? I heard you scream last night?”

“Bad dream that’s all”

“Well come watch TV with me to cheer you up and keep me company,” he pouted “I'm lonely” I laughed at him.

“Okay, what are we watching then?”

“I don’t know, what do you want to watch?”

“SPONGEBOB” I screamed making him laugh at my childishness. 

We were watching SpongeBob for at least an hour and the whole way through the shows, Luke would change position and cuddle into me or lie across me.  

“What are you doing?” I laughed at him as he moved for like, the 30th time.

“I'm bored and want to cuddle then I don’t then I do again!” I laughed at him harder,

“You need a girlfriend” this made him pout before grabbing me and tickling me. 

“I can’t breathe, Luke” I choked out and he stopped. I laughed at his panic, thinking I was serious.

“Emma, are you okay?!”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I-“and with that everything went black.


is she going to be okay?! what happened? ooo

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